#graph-theory #snark #algorithm

bin+lib snark-tool

snark-tool library contains structures and algorithm for (mainly) cubic graph analysis

1 unstable release

0.4.0 Oct 26, 2021

#524 in Configuration


11K SLoC


Snark tool is simple tool for snarks analysis. Snark is cubic graph with girth at least 5 and cyclic edge connectivity at least 4.

Use as library

Include snark-tool in your Cargo project by adding as a dependency to your Cargo.toml configuration file.

snark-tool = "0.4.0"

Then simply use needed structs or functions in your code.

use crate::graph::undirected::simple_graph::graph::SimpleGraph;
use crate::service::io::reader_g6::G6Reader;

pub fn read_graph(graph_g6: &String) {
    let graph: SimpleGraph = G6Reader::read_graph(graph_g6).unwrap();

For more examples see examples folder.

Use as binary

At first install cargo. Then install snark-tool.

cargo install snark-tool

To run snark-tool at first we have to define configuration file in YAML format. Here we can specify what we want to do.

version: 0.1

  - proc-type: read
      file: input-file.g6
      graph-format: g6

  # means regular 3-edge coloring
  - proc-type: colour
      colouriser-type: dfs

  - proc-type: write
      file: output.json
      graph-format: s6
      # if set to true, file format will be json for g6/s6 graph format
      with-properties: true # default true

  - proc-type: count

Basic usage is that snark-tool takes input file, read graphs from specified format. Then applies/perform specified procedures (in this case edge colouring) over graphs and at the end writes graphs to output file.

When we have specified configuration file with name snark-tool.yml we can start snark-tool using terminal command:

snark-tool run snark-tool.yml

For full description of available procedures and its configuration see procedures.md.


Licensed under either of

at your option.

To be noted

Package and all its parts are WIP. Package's API can change rapidly from version to version.


~202K SLoC