20 releases
Uses old Rust 2015
0.3.2 | Aug 26, 2021 |
0.3.0 | Oct 12, 2015 |
0.1.1 | Jul 22, 2015 |
0.0.9 | Mar 20, 2015 |
0.0.2 | Nov 21, 2014 |
#213 in Email
52 downloads per month

WARNING: This library is no longer maintained and is replaced by the lettre
To use this library, add the following to your Cargo.toml
smtp = "0.3"
This program is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
See LICENSE for details.
Rust SMTP client
This client should tend to follow RFC 5321, but is still a work in progress. It is designed to efficiently send emails from an application to a relay email server, as it relies as much as possible on the relay server for sanity and RFC compliance checks.
It implements the following extensions:
It will eventually implement the following extensions:
- SMTPUTF8 (RFC 6531)
This client is divided into three main parts:
- client: a low level SMTP client providing all SMTP commands
- sender: a high level SMTP client providing an easy method to send emails
- email: generates the email to be sent with the sender
Simple example
This is the most basic example of usage:
use smtp::sender::{Sender, SenderBuilder};
use smtp::email::EmailBuilder;
// Create an email
let email = EmailBuilder::new()
// Addresses can be specified by the couple (email, alias)
.to(("user@example.org", "Firstname Lastname"))
// ... or by an address only
.subject("Hi, Hello world")
.body("Hello world.")
// Open a local connection on port 25
let mut sender = SenderBuilder::localhost().unwrap().build();
// Send the email
let result = sender.send(email);
Complete example
use smtp::sender::{Sender, SenderBuilder};
use smtp::email::EmailBuilder;
use smtp::authentication::Mecanism;
let mut builder = EmailBuilder::new();
builder = builder.to(("user@example.org", "Alias name"));
builder = builder.cc(("user@example.net", "Alias name"));
builder = builder.from("no-reply@example.com");
builder = builder.from("no-reply@example.eu");
builder = builder.sender("no-reply@example.com");
builder = builder.subject("Hello world");
builder = builder.body("Hi, Hello world.");
builder = builder.reply_to("contact@example.com");
builder = builder.add_header(("X-Custom-Header", "my header"));
let email = builder.build();
// Connect to a remote server on a custom port
let mut sender = SenderBuilder::new(("server.tld", SUBMISSION_PORT)).unwrap()
// Set the name sent during EHLO/HELO, default is `localhost`
// Add credentials for authentication
.credentials("username", "password")
// Use TLS with STARTTLS, you can also specify a specific SSL context
// with `.ssl_context(context)`
// Configure accepted authetication mecanisms
// Enable connection reuse
let result_1 = sender.send(email.clone());
// The second email will use the same connection
let result_2 = sender.send(email);
// Explicitely close the SMTP transaction as we enabled connection reuse
Using the client directly
If you just want to send an email without using Email
to provide headers:
use smtp::sender::{Sender, SenderBuilder};
use smtp::email::SimpleSendableEmail;
// Create a minimal email
let email = SimpleSendableEmail::new(
"Hello world !"
let mut sender = SenderBuilder::localhost().unwrap().build();
let result = sender.send(email);
Lower level
You can also send commands, here is a simple email transaction without error handling:
use smtp::client::Client;
use smtp::SMTP_PORT;
use smtp::client::net::NetworkStream;
let mut email_client: Client<NetworkStream> = Client::new();
let _ = email_client.connect(&("localhost", SMTP_PORT));
let _ = email_client.ehlo("my_hostname");
let _ = email_client.mail("user@example.com", None);
let _ = email_client.rcpt("user@example.org");
let _ = email_client.data();
let _ = email_client.message("Test email");
let _ = email_client.quit();
~212K SLoC