7 releases

0.1.6 Jan 21, 2022
0.1.5 Nov 24, 2021
0.1.4 Oct 22, 2021
0.1.2 Sep 9, 2021
0.1.0 Jun 30, 2021

#1551 in GUI


11K SLoC

Viewer for SixtyFPS

This program is a viewer for .60 files from the SixtyFPS Project.


The viewer can be installed from crates.io:

cargo install sixtyfps-viewer

Alternatively, you can download one of our pre-built binaries for Linux or Windows:

  1. Open https://github.com/sixtyfpsui/sixtyfps/releases
  2. Click on the latest release
  3. From "Assets" download either sixtyfps-viewer-linux.tar.gz for a Linux x86-64 binary or sixtyfps-viewer-windows.zip for a Windows x86-64 binary.
  4. Uncompress the downloaded archive and run sixtyfps-viewer/sixtyfps-viewer.exe.


You can open .60 files by just passing it as an argument:

sixtyfps-viewer path/to/myfile.60

Command line arguments

  • --auto-reload: Automatically watch the file system, and reload when it changes
  • --save-data <file>: When exiting, write the value of public properties to a json file. Only property whose types can be serialized to json will be written. This option is incompatible with --auto-reload
  • --load-data <file>: Load the values of public properties from a json file.
  • -I <path>: Add an include path to look for imported .60 files or images.
  • --style <style>: Set the style. Defaults to native if the Qt backend is compiled, otherwise fluent
  • --backend <backend>: Override the SixtyFPS rendering backend
  • --on <callback> <handler>: Set a callback handler, see callback handler

Instead of a path to a file, one can use - for the standard input or the standard output.

Callback handler

It is possible to tell the viewer to execute some shell commands when a callback is recieved. You can use the --on command line argument, followed by the callback name, followed by the command. Within the command arguments, $1, $2, ... will be replaced by the first, second, ... argument of the callback. These will be shell escaped.

Example: Imagine we have a myfile.60 looking like this:

MyApp := Window {
  callback open-url(string);

It is possible to make the open-url callback to execute a command by doing

sixtyfps-viewer --on open-url 'xdg-open $1' myfile.60

Be carefull to use single quote or to escape the $ so that the shell don't expand the $1


If the root element of the .60 file is a Dialog, the different StandardButton might close the dialog if no callback was set on the button.

  • ok, yes, or close buttons accepts the dialog
  • cancel, no buttons reject the dialog

Result code

The program returns with the following error code:

  • If the command line argument parsing fails, the exit code will be 1
  • If the .60 compilation fails, the compilation error will be printed to stderr and the exit code will be -1
  • If a Window is closed, the exit code will be 0
  • If a Dialog is closed with the "Ok" or "Closed" or "Yes" button, the exit code will be 0
  • If a Dialog is closed with the "Cancel" or "No" button, or using the close button in the window title bar, the exit code will be 1


sixtyfps-viewer can be used to display an GUI from a shell script. For examples check out the examples/bash folder in our repository.


~495K SLoC