#jwt #jwks #jwk #gcp #set-key #key-set

yanked shared_jwt

Library to validate JWT tokens using JSON Web Key Set (JWKS)

0.1.1 Sep 22, 2019
0.1.0 Sep 22, 2019

#17 in #jwks

MIT license

708 lines

JWKS client library Build Status License:MIT

JWKS-Client is a library written in Rust to decode and validate JWT tokens using a JSON Web Key Store.

I created this library specifically to decode GCP/Firebase JWT but should be useable with little to no modification. Contact me to propose support for different JWKS key store.

Basic Usage

The following demonstrates how to load a set of keys from an HTTP address and verify a JWT token using those keys:

use jwks::KeyStore;

let jkws_url = "https://...";
let key_store = KeyStore::new_from(jkws_url).unwrap();

// ...

let token = "...";

match key_store.verify(token) {
    Ok(jwt) => {
        println!("name={}", jwt.payload().get_str("name").unwrap());
    Err(_) => {
        eprintln!("Could not verify token");

JWKS-Client offers descriptive error results:

use jwks::KeyStore;
use error::{Error, Type};

let jwks_url = "http://...";
let token = "...";

let key_store = KeyStore::new_from(jwks_url).unwrap();

match key_store.verify(token) {
    Ok(jwt) => {
        println!("name={}", jwt.payload().get_str("name").unwrap());
    Err(Error { msg, typ: Type::Header }) => {
        eprintln!("Problem with header. Message: {}", msg);
    Err(Error { msg, typ: Type::Payload }) => {
        eprintln!("Problem with payload. Message: {}", msg);
    Err(Error { msg, typ: Type::Signature }) => {
        eprintln!("Problem with signature. Message: {}", msg);
    Err(Error { msg: _, typ: Type::Expired }) => {
        eprintln!("Token is expired.");
    Err(Error { msg: _, typ: Type::Early }) => {
        eprintln!("Too early to use token.");
    Err(e) => {
        eprintln!("Something else went wrong. Message {:?}", e);

JWKS-Client can decode a JWT payload into a struct:

use jwks::KeyStore;

let key_store = KeyStore::new();

let token = TOKEN;

let jwt = key_store.decode(token).unwrap();

if jwt.expired().unwrap_or(false) {
    println!("Sorry, token expired")
} else {
    let result = jwt.payload().get_str("name");

    match result {
        Some(name) => { println!("Welcome, {}!", name); }
        None => { println!("Welcome, anonymous"); }


  • More documentation :P
  • Extract expiration time of keys from HTTP request
  • Automatically refresh keys in background


~672K SLoC