#seed #datepicker #gui


Customizable datepicker component for the Seed framework

6 releases (stable)

1.1.0 Apr 8, 2022
1.0.2 Apr 30, 2021
1.0.0 Mar 17, 2021
0.1.1 Mar 12, 2021

#438 in WebAssembly


339 lines

Seed Datepicker

CI Actions Status Build Examples Actions Status Crates IO badge unsafe forbidden dependency status

This is a customizable Datepicker component for the Seed framework that uses Chrono for the date structures.

This crate provides the implementation for the Seed framework, but most of the implementation does not depend on the Seed framework and is inside the chrono-datepicker-core crate.

If you want to use this library, you can use the scss styling that is provided for the examples here, or you can make your own styling for it, all you have to do is use the correct class names and their nesting.

Deployed examples

See Deployed examples.


See Examples.

Views and selection

The datepicker dialog has 3 different DialogViewTypes that work as follows:


Displays a selection from 20 years starting from a year of which modulo 20 == 0.

Clicking the title of the dialog has no effect.

  • Clicking a year if selection_type == DialogViewType::Years:
    • selects the January 1st of that year (since the underlying storage type is a NaiveDate from chrono)
  • Clicking a year if selection_type != DialogViewType::Years:
    • changes the DialogViewType to DialogViewType::Months

Rendered years view


Displays a selection from all the 12 months of a particullar year.

Clicking the title of the dialog changes the DialogViewType to DialogViewType::Years

  • Clicking a month if selection_type == DialogViewType::Months:
    • selects the 1st day of the selected month (since the underlying storage type is a NaiveDate from chrono)
  • Clicking a month if selection_type == DialogViewType::Days:
    • changes the DialogViewType to DialogViewType::Days to display the days of that particular month.

Rendered months view


Displays a selection from all the days of a particullar month.

Clicking the title of the dialog changes the DialogViewType to DialogViewType::Months

  • Clicking a day selects that particullar date as a NaiveDate

Rendered days view


During the configuration of the datepicker in the init method, various constraints can be applied, for example:

let config = PickerConfigBuilder::default()
                // earliest selectable date
                .min_date(NaiveDate::from_ymd(2020, 12, 1))
                // latest selectable date
                .max_date(NaiveDate::from_ymd(2022, 12, 14))
                // chrono Weekday-s that can be disabled
                .disabled_weekdays([Weekday::Sat, Weekday::Sun].iter().cloned().collect())
                // entire chrono Month-s that can be disabled
                .disabled_months([Month::July, Month::August].iter().cloned().collect())
                // entire years that can be disabled
                // a particular day of month that is disabled in all months
                // particular dates that are disabled each year (the year number is ignored here)
                    NaiveDate::from_ymd(1, 12, 24),
                    NaiveDate::from_ymd(1, 12, 25),
                    NaiveDate::from_ymd(1, 12, 26),
                // particular unique dates that can be disabled
                .disabled_unique_dates([NaiveDate::from_ymd(2020, 12, 8)].iter().cloned().collect())


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