Cargo Features

secmem-alloc = { version = "0.3.0", default-features = false, features = ["std", "nightly_allocator_api", "nightly_core_intrinsics", "nightly_strict_provenance", "nightly", "dev"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever secmem-alloc is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default dev?

Enables thiserror, std of allocator-api2

nightly_allocator_api nightly?

Enables nightly of allocator-api2

nightly_core_intrinsics nightly?
nightly_strict_provenance nightly?

enables strict provenance lints and uses strict provenance methods from std instead of those from sptr (for inherent methods only)

nightly = nightly_allocator_api, nightly_core_intrinsics, nightly_strict_provenance
dev = std

required features to run tests; additional features enable more tests