SChannel is used at run time in 7,226 crates (of which 7,224 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 15 crates. It's used at build time in 226 crates (of which 226 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 352 crates (of which 3 directly).

Number of dependers SChannel version Downloads/month
7,803 0.1.27 3.9M
1 0.0.2 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) SChannel version
7.7M 211 rustls-native-certs ^0.1
5.3M 558 native-tls ^0.1.17
777K 288 curl ^0.1.13
1.9K 5 rustpython-vm ^0.1.22
1.5K 3 rustpython-stdlib ^0.1.22
1.3K 1 tonic-tls optional ^0.1
1 tokio-schannel ^0.1
1 ratcurl ^0.1.13
1 native-tls-gmssl ^0.1.17
futures-tls ^0.0.2
220 2 mozilla-root-ca optional ^0.1.27
4.7M 193 tokio-native-tls dev ^0.1
79K 66 tokio-tls dev ^0.1
13K 1 tokio-tls-api dev ^0.1
120 1 msquic-async dev ^0.1.27
120 h3-msquic-async dev ^0.1.27
tls-async dev ^0.1
trezm-temp-tokio-tls dev ^0.1