3 releases
0.0.1-alpha.3 | Nov 7, 2021 |
0.0.1-alpha.2 | Mar 4, 2020 |
0.0.1-alpha.1 | Jan 7, 2020 |
#2036 in Web programming
Rust API client for sbanken
No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 2.0
- Package version: 0.0.1-alpha.2
- Build package:
Put the package under your project folder in a directory named sbanken
and add the following to Cargo.toml
under [dependencies]
sbanken = { path = "./sbanken" }
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://https://publicapi.sbanken.no/apibeta
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountsApi | accounts_list | GET /api/v2/Accounts | Lists the accounts. |
AccountsApi | accounts_read | GET /api/v2/Accounts/{accountId} | Reads an account |
CardsApi | cards_list | GET /api/v2/Cards | Lists the cards. |
CustomersApi | customers_read | GET /api/v2/Customers | Get customer data |
EfakturaApi | efaktura_list | GET /api/v2/Efaktura | List eFakturas. |
EfakturaApi | efaktura_list_new | GET /api/v2/Efaktura/new | List eFakturas that have not yet been processed by the customer. These are considered "new". |
EfakturaApi | efaktura_pay | POST /api/v2/Efaktura | Pay an eFaktura. |
EfakturaApi | efaktura_read | GET /api/v2/Efaktura/{eFakturaId} | Read an eFaktura. |
MailboxApi | mailbox_count_archive_message | GET /api/v2/Mailbox/archive/count | Count the number of messages in your archive |
MailboxApi | mailbox_count_inbox_message | GET /api/v2/Mailbox/inbox/count | Count the number of messages in your inbox |
MailboxApi | mailbox_delete_archive | DELETE /api/v2/Mailbox/archive/{id} | Delete a message from your archive |
MailboxApi | mailbox_delete_inbox | DELETE /api/v2/Mailbox/inbox/{id} | Delete a message from your inbox |
MailboxApi | mailbox_list_archive | GET /api/v2/Mailbox/archive | List the messages in your archive |
MailboxApi | mailbox_list_inbox | GET /api/v2/Mailbox/inbox | List the messages in your inbox |
MailboxApi | mailbox_move_to_archive | PUT /api/v2/Mailbox/inbox/{id}/move | Move a message from your inbox to your archive |
MailboxApi | mailbox_move_to_inbox | PUT /api/v2/Mailbox/archive/{id}/move | Move a message from your archive to your inbox |
MailboxApi | mailbox_read_archive | GET /api/v2/Mailbox/archive/{id} | Read a message from your archive. |
MailboxApi | mailbox_read_archive_attachment | GET /api/v2/Mailbox/archive/{messageId}/attachment/{attachmentId} | Read the attachment of an archive message. |
MailboxApi | mailbox_read_inbox | GET /api/v2/Mailbox/inbox/{id} | Read a message from your inbox |
MailboxApi | mailbox_read_inbox_attachment | GET /api/v2/Mailbox/inbox/{messageId}/attachment/{attachmentId} | Read the attachment of an inbox message. |
MailboxApi | mailbox_set_read_status_archive | PUT /api/v2/Mailbox/archive/{id}/readstatus | Sets the read/unread status of a message in your archive to the indicated value |
MailboxApi | mailbox_set_read_status_inbox | PUT /api/v2/Mailbox/inbox/{id}/readstatus | Sets the read/unread status of a message in your inbox to the indicated value |
PaymentsApi | payments_list | GET /api/v2/Payments/{accountId} | List the payments. These payments are awaiting processing. Payments are processed on the due date. |
PaymentsApi | payments_read | GET /api/v2/Payments/{accountId}/{paymentId} | Read a payment. |
StandingOrdersApi | standing_orders_list_standing_orders | GET /api/v2/StandingOrders/{accountId} | Lists the standing orders for repeated transfers and payments. |
TransactionsApi | transactions_list | GET /api/v2/Transactions/{accountId} | Get Transactions |
TransactionsApi | transactions_list_archive | GET /api/v2/Transactions/archive/{accountId} | Get Archived Transactions (Norwegian: bokført) with transactionId |
TransfersApi | transfers_create | POST /api/v2/Transfers | This operation executes a transfer between two accounts. |
Documentation For Models
- Account
- Address
- ArchiveTransaction
- Card
- CardDetails
- CardStatus
- Category
- Customer
- EFaktura
- EFakturaPayRequest
- EFakturaSimple
- ListResultOfAccount
- ListResultOfArchiveTransaction
- ListResultOfCard
- ListResultOfEFaktura
- ListResultOfEFakturaSimple
- ListResultOfMessageListItem
- ListResultOfPayment
- ListResultOfStandingOrder
- ListResultOfTransaction
- MailboxAttachment
- MessageItem
- MessageListItem
- NewStatusType
- Payment
- PhoneNumber
- ProductCode
- ReservationType
- SetReadStatusRequest
- SourceType
- StandingOrder
- StandingOrderFrequency
- StandingOrderType
- Status
- Transaction
- TransactionDetail
- TransferCreateRequest
To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:
cargo doc --open
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