Cargo Features

sapling-crypto = { version = "0.5.0", default-features = false, features = ["std", "circuit", "multicore", "temporary-zcashd", "test-dependencies"] }
default = circuit, multicore

These default features are set whenever sapling-crypto is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std circuit

Enables wnaf-memuse of group, std of redjubjub and document-features


and std of core2 ^0.3

No-std support

circuit default = std

Enables creation of Sapling proofs

Enables bits, groups and pairings of bls12_381, bits of jubjub and bellman


Affects builder::bundle, builder::UnauthorizedBundle, builder::Unproven, sapling-crypto::circuit, sapling-crypto::prover

multicore default

Enables multithreading support for creating proofs.

Enables multicore of optional bellman


A temporary feature flag that exposes granular APIs needed by zcashd. These APIs should not be relied upon and will be removed in a future release.


Exposes APIs that are useful for testing, such as proptest strategies.

Enables test-dependencies of incrementalmerkletree and proptest

Test dependencies