#duration #sampling #sample-rate


Work with durations of sampled data, e.g. digital audio

4 releases (2 breaking)

0.3.1 May 5, 2022
0.3.0 May 5, 2022
0.2.0 Feb 4, 2021
0.1.0 Jan 28, 2021

#369 in Audio

Used in dsf

MIT license

959 lines

LogoSampled Data Duration

pipeline status Crate API

Rust library for handling durations of sampled data, e.g. digital audio.

The sampled_data_duration crate provides two stucts: ConstantRateDuration and MixedRateDuration.

A ConstantRateDuraiton can be used to represents the duration of any data-set which has been sampled at a constant frequency, a prime example might be an audio file sampled at 44.1kHz.

A MixedRateDuration can be used to represent the duration of a collection of data-sets which have different sampling frequencies. A typical example might be a playlist of audio files where some have been sampled at 44.1kHz, and others at 48kHz or 96kHz, etc.


use sampled_data_duration::ConstantRateDuration;
use sampled_data_duration::MixedRateDuration;

// Consider an audio file which consists of `12345678` samples per
// channel recorded at a sampling rate of 44.1kHz.
let crd = ConstantRateDuration::new(12345678, 44100);

// The default string representation is of the form
// `hh:mm:ss;samples`
assert_eq!(crd.to_string(), "00:04:39;41778");

// Get the duration in various different time-units
assert_eq!(crd.as_hours(), 0);
assert_eq!(crd.as_mins(), 4);
assert_eq!(crd.submin_secs(), 39);
assert_eq!(crd.as_secs(), 4 * 60 + 39);
assert_eq!(crd.subsec_samples(), 41778);
assert_eq!(crd.subsec_secs(), 0.9473469387755102);

// Consider and audio playlist which already consists of a file
// recorded at 96kHz.
let mut mrd = MixedRateDuration::from(ConstantRateDuration::new(87654321, 96000));

// The default string representation of the a mixed rate duration
// which consits of only one entry is of the form `hh:mm:ss;samples`
assert_eq!(mrd.to_string(), "00:15:13;6321");

// However if we add-assign `crd` to `mrd`
mrd += crd;

// Then we have a duration which is made up of different sampling
// rates and the default string representation changes to be of the
// form `hh:mm:ss.s`
assert_eq!(mrd.to_string(), "00:19:53.013190688");

An attempt has been made to follow the naming conventions defined by std::time::Duration.


You can obtain the latest release of this library from crates.io in the normal way.

API Documentation

You can read the API documentation for the latest release of this library from docs.rs.

No runtime deps