#style-sheet #css #represents #macro

nightly macro rustyle

A new way to represent the CSS stylesheet in Rust

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Mar 23, 2019

#11 in #represents

MIT license

539 lines


A new way to represent the CSS stylesheet in Rust

Basic Information

Read like [rough style]. It seems like styled-components, emotion, glamor, and other CSS-in-JS libraries. It's basically inspired by their concepts. But more friendly with rust.


Write CSS-in-Rust like this! (We call it rusty css syntax)

let CLASS = css! {
  background-color: gray;

  &:hover {
    background-color: lighten!(15%, gray);

  &:not(:hover) > p {
    display: none;

How's it works

It's written in proc macro. The css codes checked and wrote at compile time. macro calls replaced to randomly generated class names.


This crate provides the rustyle! macro that allows using CSS-in-Rust for Rust frontend application.


~47K SLoC