#coreutils #gnu #focus #binary #modern #simplicity #multicall

bin+lib rustutils-core

Modern coreutils with a focus on simplicity

2 releases

0.1.1 Jul 17, 2022
0.1.0 Jul 17, 2022

#14 in #simplicity

MIT license

121 lines

Rust CoreUtils

This repository contains a Rust reimplementation of the coreutils. The focus is on having simple, easy to understand code, but feature parity with the GNU implementations.

To make it easy to distribute these utilities, they can be built either separately or as a multicall binary, similar to how busybox works.

Documentation is available here, built from the main branch of this repository.


Name Description Status
arch Print machine architecture Implemented
cat Concatenate files to standard output Implemented
false Exits with a status code indicating failure Implemented
rmdir Remove empty directories Implemented
sleep Pause for a specified amount of time Implemented
sync Synchronizes write buffers to permanent storage Implemented
tee Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output Implemented
true Exits with a status code indicating success Implemented
unlink Remove files by calling the unlink function Implemented
wc Counts bytes, characters, words and lines In Progress
yes Repeatedly output a line with the specified strings, or 'y' Implemented


There are builds available for download.

Platform Architecture Interface Link
Linux amd64 gnu rustutils-core-linux-amd64
Linux amd64 musl rustutils-core-linux-musl-amd64
Linux arm64 gnu rustutils-core-linux-arm64
Linux arm32 gnu rustutils-core-linux-arm32
Linux riscv64 gnu rustutils-core-linux-riscv64

Prior Art


~66K SLoC