9 releases

0.1.8 Aug 3, 2020
0.1.7 Jul 28, 2020

#4 in #alliance

MIT license

591 lines


crates.io Documentation MIT licensed Build Status

Rust bindings to The Orange Alliance API

A Crate to access The Orange Alliance API. This crate makes it easy to access the official First Tech Challenge API and use it in your Rust projects.

Install by adding

rustoa = "0.1.8"

to your Cargo.toml file.

To use the development version, add

rustoa = { git = "https://github.com/karx1/rustoa" }

to your Cargo.toml file. This version might be unstable.

Here's a simple example:

use rustoa::{Client, Season};

let client = Client::new("api_key");
let team = client.team(16405);
println!("{}", team.season_wins(Season::SkyStone));


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