#korean #character #processing #syllable #hangul #check #combine


RustKorean is a Rust library for processing Korean characters. It provides functionalities to check if a character is Korean, classify Korean characters, verify if a character is a leading consonant (choseong), a medial vowel (jungseong), or a trailing consonant (jongseong) in the Korean writing system, combine Jamo characters into complete Hangul syllables, and check the syllable type of characters.

6 stable releases

1.1.2 Dec 2, 2024
1.1.1 Sep 6, 2024
1.1.0 May 4, 2024
1.0.2 May 3, 2024

#201 in Text processing

Download history 124/week @ 2024-11-29 23/week @ 2024-12-06 2/week @ 2024-12-13

418 downloads per month

MIT license

306 lines


RustKorean is a Rust library for processing Korean characters. It provides functionalities to check if a character is Korean, classify Korean characters, verify if a character is a leading consonant (choseong), a medial vowel (jungseong), or a trailing consonant (jongseong) in the Korean writing system, combine Jamo characters into complete Hangul syllables, and check the syllable type of characters.


  • Check if a character is Korean (check_korean)
  • Classify Korean characters (classify_korean)
  • Check for leading consonants (Choseong) (first_letter_check)
  • Check for medial vowels (Jungseong) (middle_letter_check)
  • Check for trailing consonants (Jongseong) (last_letter_check)
  • Combine Jamo characters into Hangul (compose_korean)
  • Check the syllable type of characters (syllable_check)
  • Combine individual Korean Jamo characters into double consonants where applicable (create_double_consonant)
  • Convert English input to korean (english_input_to_korean)


First, add rustkorean as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file.

rustkorean = "1.0.2"

Checking if a Character is Korean

Example to check if a character is Korean.

extern crate rustkorean;
use rustkorean::check_korean;

fn main() {
    let korean_char = '';
    let non_korean_char = 'A';

    println!("Is '{}' a Korean character? {}", korean_char, check_korean(korean_char));
    println!("Is '{}' a Korean character? {}", non_korean_char, check_korean(non_korean_char));

Checking the Syllable Type

Example to check the syllable type of characters.

extern crate rustkorean;
use rustkorean::syllable_check;

fn main() {
    let examples = vec!['', '', '', '1', 'a', ''];
    for &example in &examples {
        let syllable_type = syllable_check(example);
        println!("{:?} is {:?}", example, syllable_type);

Checking for Choseong, Jungseong, and Jongseong

Example to verify if a character is a leading consonant, a medial vowel, or a trailing consonant.

extern crate rustkorean;
use rustkorean::{first_letter_check, middle_letter_check, last_letter_check};

fn main() {
    let first_letter = '';
    let middle_letter = '';
    let last_letter = '';
    let not_korean_letter = 'A';

    if first_letter_check(first_letter) {
        println!("'{}' is a first letter.", first_letter);

    if middle_letter_check(middle_letter) {
        println!("'{}' is a middle letter.", middle_letter);

    if last_letter_check(last_letter) {
        println!("'{}' is a last letter.", last_letter);

    if !first_letter_check(not_korean_letter) && !middle_letter_check(not_korean_letter) && !last_letter_check(not_korean_letter) {
        println!("'{}' is not a Korean letter.", not_korean_letter);

Combining Jamo Characters into Hangul

Example to combine Jamo characters into complete Hangul syllables.

extern crate rustkorean;
use rustkorean::compose_korean;

fn main() {
    let chars = "ㅇㅏㄴㄴㅕㅇㅎㅏㅅㅔㅇㅛ".chars().collect::<Vec<char>>();
    let composed_string = compose_korean(chars);
    println!("{}", composed_string); // This should print "안녕하세요".

Combining Separated Double Consonants into Complete Korean Characters

This functionality combines input with separated double consonants into complete Hangul characters.

It works well in conjunction with the compose_korean function.

Please refer to korean_compose_example_2.rs for an example.

extern crate rustkorean;
use rustkorean::create_double_consonant;

fn main() {
    let test_cases = vec![
        vec!['', '', '', '', '', ''],
        vec!['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']

    for case in test_cases {
        let result = create_double_consonant(case);
        println!("Result: {:?}", result.iter().collect::<String>());
        // This code will output
        // Result: "ㄳㄵㅀ"
        // Result: "ㄺㄻㄼㄽ"

This section of the README file describes how to process input containing separated double consonants and combine them into complete Hangul syllables, enhancing the functionality of the compose_korean function.


If you would like to contribute to this project, pull requests are welcome. If you find any bugs or have a feature request, please open an issue.

한국어 설명 RustKorean

RustKorean은 한글 문자 처리를 위한 Rust 라이브러리입니다. 한글 문자가 맞는지 확인, 한글 문자 분류, 초성/중성/종성 확인, 자모 문자를 조합하여 완성형 한글 만들기, 문자의 음절 유형 확인 등의 기능을 제공합니다.


  • 한글 문자 확인 (check_korean)
  • 한글 문자 분류 (classify_korean)
  • 초성 확인 (first_letter_check)
  • 중성 확인 (middle_letter_check)
  • 종성 확인 (last_letter_check)
  • 자모 문자를 조합하여 한글 만들기 (compose_korean)
  • 문자의 음절 유형 확인 (syllable_check)
  • 한글 자모 문자들을 입력받아 가능한 겹자음을 조합 (create_double_consonant)

사용 방법

먼저, Cargo.toml 파일에 rustkorean을 의존성으로 추가합니다.

rustkorean = "1.0.2"

한글 문자 확인

한글 문자인지 확인하는 예시입니다.

extern crate rustkorean;
use rustkorean::check_korean;

fn main() {
    let korean_char = '';
    let non_korean_char = 'A';

    println!("'{}'는 한글 문자인가? {}", korean_char, check_korean(korean_char));
    println!("'{}'는 한글 문자인가? {}", non_korean_char, check_korean(non_korean_char));

문자의 음절 유형 확인

문자의 음절 유형을 확인하는 예시입니다.

extern crate rustkorean;
use rustkorean::syllable_check;

fn main() {
    let examples = vec!['', '', '', '1', 'a', ''];
    for &example in &examples {
        let syllable_type = syllable_check(example);
        println!("{:?}{:?} 유형입니다.", example, syllable_type);

초성/중성/종성 확인

초성, 중성, 종성인지 확인하는 예시입니다.

extern crate rustkorean;
use rustkorean::{first_letter_check, middle_letter_check, last_letter_check};

fn main() {
    let first_letter = '';
    let middle_letter = '';
    let last_letter = '';
    let not_korean_letter = 'A';

    if first_letter_check(first_letter) {
        println!("'{}'는 초성입니다.", first_letter);

    if middle_letter_check(middle_letter) {
        println!("'{}'는 중성입니다.", middle_letter);

    if last_letter_check(last_letter) {
        println!("'{}'는 종성입니다.", last_letter);

    if !first_letter_check(not_korean_letter) && !middle_letter_check(not_korean_letter) && !last_letter_check(not_korean_letter) {
        println!("'{}'는 한글 문자가 아닙니다.", not_korean_letter);

자모 문자 조합하여 한글 만들기

자모 문자를 조합하여 완성형 한글을 만드는 예시입니다.

extern crate rustkorean;
use rustkorean::compose_korean;

fn main() {
    let chars = "ㅇㅏㄴㄴㅕㅇㅎㅏㅅㅔㅇㅛ".chars().collect::<Vec<char>>();
    let composed_string = compose_korean(chars);
    println!("{}", composed_string); // 이 코드는 "안녕하세요"를 출력합니다.

겹자음이 분리된 문자 조합하여 한글 만들기

겹자음이 분리된 상태의 입력을 조합하여 완성형 한글을 만들어 냅니다.

compose_korean 함수와 함께 사용하면 좋습니다.

korean_compose_example_2.rs를 참조해주세요.

extern crate rustkorean;
use rustkorean::create_double_consonant;

fn main() {
    let test_cases = vec![
        vec!['', '', '', '', '', ''],
        vec!['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']

    for case in test_cases {
        let result = create_double_consonant(case);
        println!("Result: {:?}", result.iter().collect::<String>());
        // 이 코드는
        // Result: "ㄳㄵㅀ"
        // Result: "ㄺㄻㄼㄽ"
        // 을 출력합니다



이 프로젝트에 기여하고 싶으시다면, 풀 리퀘스트를 환영합니다. 버그를 발견하셨거나 기능 요청이 있으시면, 이슈를 등록해 주세요.

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