1 unstable release
0.5.3 | Apr 22, 2023 |
#556 in HTTP client
Used in bangumi
573 lines
Fork of rustify due to lack of maintainance.
A Rust library for interacting with HTTP API endpoints
rustified is a small library written in Rust which eases the burden of
scaffolding HTTP APIs. It provides an Endpoint
trait along with a macro helper
which allows templating various remote endpoints. Both asynchronous and
synchrounous clients are offered for executing requests against endpoints with
the option of implementing custom clients using the Client
rustified provides support for serializing requests and deserializing responses. Raw requests and responses in the form of bytes are also supported. The library also contains many helpers for dealing with requests like support for middleware and wrapping API responses.
Add rustified as a dependency to your cargo.toml:
rustified = "0.5.3"
rustified_derive = "0.5.3"
use rustified::{Client, Endpoint};
use rustified_derive::Endpoint;
// Defines an API endpoint at /test/path that takes no inputs and returns an
// empty response.
#[endpoint(path = "test/path")]
struct Test {}
let endpoint = Test {};
let client = Client::default("http://api.com"); // Configures base address of http://api.com
let result = endpoint.exec(&client).await; // Sends GET request to http://api.com/test/path
Request Body
use derive_builder::Builder;
use rustified::{Client, Endpoint};
use rustified_derive::Endpoint;
// Defines an API endpoint at /test/path/{name} that takes one input for
// creating the url and two inputs for building the request body. The content
// type of the request body defaults to JSON, however, it can be modified by
// passing the `request_type` parameter to the endpoint configuration.
// Note: The `#[endpoint(body)]` attribute tags are technically optional in the
// below example. If no `body` attribute is found anywhere then rustified defaults
// to serializing all "untagged" fields as part of the body. Fields can be opted
// out of this behavior by tagging them with #[endpoint(skip)].
#[derive(Builder, Endpoint)]
#[endpoint(path = "test/path/{self.name}", method = "POST", builder = "true")]
#[builder(setter(into))] // Improves the building process
struct Test {
#[endpoint(skip)] // This field shouldn't be serialized anywhere
pub name: String, // Used to create a dynamic URL
#[endpoint(body)] // Instructs rustified to serialize this field as part of the body
pub age: i32,
pub role: String,
// Setting `builder` to true creates a `builder()` method on our struct that
// returns the TestBuilder type created by `derive_builder`.
let endpoint = Test::builder()
let client = Client::default("http://api.com");
let result = endpoint.exec(&client).await; // Sends POST request to http://api.com/test/path/George-Miao
Query Parameters
use derive_builder::Builder;
use rustified::{Client, Endpoint};
use rustified_derive::Endpoint;
// Defines a similar API endpoint as in the previous example but adds an
// optional query parameter to the request. Additionally, this example opts to
// not specify the `#[endpoint(body)]` attributes to make use of the default
// behavior covered in the previous example.
#[derive(Builder, Endpoint)]
#[endpoint(path = "test/path/{self.name}", method = "POST", builder = "true")]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)] // Improves building process
struct Test {
pub name: String,
pub scope: Option<String>, // Note: serialization is skipped when this field is None
pub age: i32, // Serialized into the request body
pub role: String, // Serialized into the request body
let endpoint = Test::builder()
let client = Client::default("http://api.com");
let result = endpoint.exec(&client).await; // Sends POST request to http://api.com/test/path/George-Miao?scope=global
use rustified::{Client, Endpoint};
use rustified_derive::Endpoint;
// Defines an API endpoint at /test/path that takes a single byte array which
// will be used as the request body (no serialization occurs). The endpoint
// returns a `TestResponse` which contains the result of the operation.
#[endpoint(path = "test/path", response = "TestResponse")]
struct Test {
#[endpoint(raw)] // Indicates this field contains the raw request body
pub file: Vec<u8>
struct TestResponse {
pub success: bool,
let endpoint = Test {
file: b"contents".to_vec(),
let client = Client::default("http://api.com");
let result = endpoint.exec(&client).await;
let response = result.unwrap().parse().unwrap(); // Returns the parsed `TestResponse`
You can find example usage in the examples directory. They can be run with cargo:
cargo run --package rustified --example reqres1
cargo run --package rustified --example reqres2
The vaultrs crate is built upon rustify and serves as as good reference.
The following features are available for this crate:
: Enables the blocking variants ofClient
s as well as the blockingexec()
functions inEndpoint
Error Handling
All errors generated by this crate are wrapped in the ClientError
provided by the crate.
See the the tests directory for tests. Run tests with cargo test
~340K SLoC