0.1.0-alpha |
#6 in #graph-blas
745 lines
Wrapper for GraphBLAS.h
exposing a nicer rust API
Allows a huge array of graph algorithms over graphs as adjacency matrices using different semigroups.
Example of 1 hop neighbours
* this is the test for the graph on the cover of
* Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra
* where by multiplying a boolean matrix with
* a boolean vector on the and/or semiring we effectively find the neighbours
* for the input vertex
* */
fn define_graph_adj_matrix_one_hop_neighbours(){
let mut m = SparseMatrix::<bool>::empty((7, 7));
let edges_n:usize = 10;
m.load(edges_n as u64, &vec![true; edges_n],
&[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6],
&[1, 3, 6, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 2, 3]);
let mut v = SparseVector::<bool>::empty(7);
v.insert(0, true);
let lor_monoid = SparseMonoid::<bool>::new(BinaryOp::<bool, bool, bool>::lor(), false);
let or_and_semi = Semiring::new(lor_monoid, BinaryOp::<bool, bool, bool>::land());
v.vxm(empty_mask::<bool>(), None, &m, or_and_semi, &Descriptor::default());
// neighbours of 0 are 1 and 3
assert_eq!(v.get(1), Some(true));
assert_eq!(v.get(3), Some(true));
// the rest is set to null
assert_eq!(v.get(0), None);
assert_eq!(v.get(2), None);
assert_eq!(v.get(4), None);
assert_eq!(v.get(5), None);
assert_eq!(v.get(6), None);
~84K SLoC