rustc_utils is used at run time in 11 crates. It is a direct run-time dependency in 9 crates.

Number of dependers rustc_utils version Downloads/month
0 0.12.0-nightly-2024-12-15 23
1 0.11.0-nightly-2024-12-01 0
8 0.10.0-nightly-2024-05-20 12
2 0.8.0-nightly-2024-01-06 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) rustc_utils version
3.1K 1 flowistry =0.8.0-nightly-2024-01-06
2.0K flowistry_ide =0.8.0-nightly-2024-01-06
100 salt_ide ^0.11.0-nightly-2024-12-01
3 argus-ext =0.10.0-nightly-2024-05-20
1 argus-lib =0.10.0-nightly-2024-05-20
1 argus-ser =0.10.0-nightly-2024-05-20
argus-cli =0.10.0-nightly-2024-05-20
rustviz2-plugin ^0.10.0-nightly-2024-05-20
1 rv-plugin ^0.10.0-nightly-2024-05-20