#webhook #http-post #post-requests #json #send #reqwest #payload


The program is a utility crate that provides a function to send a webhook request with JSON content using the Reqwest library in Rust. It simplifies the process of sending HTTP POST requests to webhook URLs by handling JSON serialization and request configuration.

1 unstable release

0.1.6 May 27, 2023
0.1.5 May 27, 2023

#1681 in Web programming

MIT license

76 lines


The 'rust_webhook' crate is a Rust library that provides functionality for sending webhooks using the 'reqwest' and 'serde_json' libraries. It allows you to easily send POST requests with JSON payloads to webhook endpoints.


Add the crate as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file:

rust_webhook = { version = "0.1.5" }
reqwest = "0.11"
serde_json = "1.0"

Quick Start

Sending Messages

use rust_webhook::DiscordWebhook;

async fn main() {
    let webhook = DiscordWebhook::new("YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL");
    let content = "Hello, webhook!";


Sending Embeds

async fn main() {
    let webhook = DiscordWebhook::new("YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL");
    let embed = webhook.create_embed(
            ("title", "Title Goes Here"),
            ("description", "Description Goes Here"),
        Some(0x00FFFF), //Set Color Code                 
        true, // Set Timestamp
        Some("Footer Goes Here") 


~312K SLoC