#codec #encode #cipher #decode #vigenere

bin+lib rugenere

Vigenère cipher tool written in rust that can encode, decode and store and read from files

2 releases

0.2.1 Aug 7, 2019
0.2.0 Aug 7, 2019

#2036 in Cryptography


155 lines

Contains (ELF exe/lib, 2.5MB) rugenere

rugenere GitHub license version dependencies

rugenere is a simple vigenère cipher tool written in rust. It can encode and decode text either from the standard input or a file. It can also write the output to a file.

Branches Build Status
master Build Status
dev Build Status


To install this tool just clone the git repository by running the following command (have in mind that this will clone the repository to your current directory).

> git clone https://github.com/bruno-anjos/rugenere.git
> cd rugenere
> cargo build --release


I made it easier to run this tool by creating a link to the binary in the target directory.


Run rugenere with the --help to get helpful information

> ./rugenere --help
rugenere 1.0
Bruno Anjos <bruno.vale.anjos@gmail.com>
Vigenére cipher encoder and decoder.

    rugenere [OPTIONS] <key> --mode <mode>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i, --input <input>      file name to read content from
    -m, --mode <mode>        sets mode to encode or decode [possible values: encode, decode]
    -o, --output <output>    file name to write content to

    <key>    key used to encode or decode the content


Run rugenere with the m flag set to encode

> ./rugenere TESTKEY -m encode
THis Is AN exaMPlE
Result: MLal Sw YG iptWTjX


Run rugenere with the m flag set to decode

> ./rugenere TESTKEY -m decode
MLal Sw YG iptWTjX
Result: THis Is AN exaMPlE

with input file

Run rugenere with the i flag followed by the file name

> ./rugenere TESTKEY -m encode -i input_test
Result: MlAL sw hNWl tX IvTQheo

with output file

Run rugenere with the o flag followed by the file name

> ./rugenere TESTKEY -m encode -i input_test -o output_test
> cat output_test
MlAL sw hNWl tX IvTQheo

Built with

  • clap - rust library to parse CLI arguments


If you detect any bug or find any way to improve the code, please make a pull request or submit an issue.


This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
