1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Feb 8, 2025 |
#1141 in Authentication
136 downloads per month
876 lines
Rucat is design to be a server for managing multiple kinds of big-data applications across different platforms. For now, it only supports Apache Spark 3.5.3 (with spark-connect enabled by default) on Kubernetes. More engines and platforms will be supported in the future.
Rucat is a Boy / Girl name, meaning is Guider, Discipline and Adventurer. The Numerology Number for the name Rucat is 9.
Note: This project is still in the early stage of development. It is not recommended to use it in production.
- fully async
- decouple rest server and k8s, apache spark
server(rucat server)
engine(Apache Spark, ...)
monitor(rucat state monitor)
resource-manager(k8s, ...)
database[(surreal, ...)]
user -- REST requests --> server
server -- create, stop, delete engine / get engine info --> database
monitor -- check / update engine state --> database
monitor -- trigger operation / get resource info --> resource-manager
resource-manager -- create / delete / get info --> engine
Rucat Engine State
[*] --> WaitToStart: CREATE
WaitToStart --> Terminated: STOP
WaitToStart --> [*]: DELETE
WaitToStart --> TriggerStart: (one state monitor takes the engine)
TriggerStart --> StartInProgress: create k8s pod
TriggerStart --> ErrorClean: create resource error
StartInProgress --> Running: pod running
StartInProgress --> WaitToTerminate: STOP
StartInProgress --> ErrorWaitToClean: resource in error state
Running --> WaitToTerminate: STOP
WaitToTerminate --> Running: RESTART
WaitToTerminate --> TriggerTermination: (one state monitor takes the engine)
TriggerTermination --> TerminateInProgress: delete pod
TerminateInProgress --> Terminated: pod removed
Terminated --> WaitToStart: RESTART
Terminated --> [*]: DELETE
ErrorWaitToClean --> ErrorTriggerClean: (one state monitor takes the engine)
ErrorTriggerClean --> ErrorCleanInProgress: delete pod
ErrorCleanInProgress --> ErrorClean: pod removed
ErrorClean --> [*]: DELETE
rucat server configurations
- command line arguments:
--config-path <path> # the path of the configuration file
- configuration file:
"auth_provider": { # this field is optional. If not provided, no authentication is needed. Only support static auth for now.
"StaticAuthProviderConfig": {
"username": "admin",
"password": "admin",
"bearer_token": "admin"
"database": { # database configurations. Only support SurrealDB for now.
"Surreal": {
"credentials": { # credentials for connecting to the database. Only supported hard-coded username and password for now.
"username": "admin",
"password": "admin"
"uri": "rucat-surrealdb:8000" # URI of the database server.
rucat state monitor configurations
- command line arguments: Rucat state monitor does not have any command line arguments for now.
- configuration file:
Path of the configuration file is hard-coded as
"check_interval_secs": < u8 >, # the interval of checking the engine state in second.
"database": { # same as the database configurations in rucat server.
"Surreal": {
"credentials": {
"username": "admin",
"password": "admin"
"uri": "rucat-surrealdb:8000"
Create engine: create a new engine
POST /engine
request body:
"name": <non empty string>, # the name of the engine
"engine_type": <string>, # the type of the engine, only support "Spark" for now.
"version": <string>, # version of the engine.
"configs": { # the configurations of the engine (Spark configurations for now)
"spark.executor.instances": "1"
{ "id": <string> engine id}
Get engine: get the engine info
GET /engine/<engine_id>
"name": <string> engine name,
"engine_type": <string> type of engine,
"version": <string> version of the engine,
"state": <string> engine state,
"configs": { # the configurations of the engine
"spark.executor.instances": "1"
"create_time": <date> created time of the engine
List engines: list all engines
GET /engines
{id: <string> engine id},
Stop engine: stop the engine
POST /engine/<engine_id>/stop
return: None
Restart engine: Make a stopped engine running again
POST /engine/<engine_id>/restart
return: None
Delete engine: Remove all resources and info of the engine
DELETE /engine/<engine_id>
return: None
How to deploy on k8s and use
- build dockers:
cd rucat/kubernetes/docker/
bash build rucat_server.sh
bash build rucat_state_monitor.sh
- deploy on k8s:
helm install rucat rucat
- create an Apache Spark using the REST API
- connect to the spark connect server
Unit test
cargo test
Integration test (not automated)
- Create a Spark engine, wait it to be running. Get the engine info, stop the engine, restart the engine, delete the engine.
- Create a Spark engine with wrong configurations, wait it to be in error state. Delete the engine.
- catch the engine log before deleting?
- multi rucat state monitors
- More resource clients: Yarn, Spark standalone, Spark local, rust shuttle etc.
- rucat connection for Spark connect. (RPC or REST for the API? Also see https://tech.fpcomplete.com/blog/axum-hyper-tonic-tower-part4/ for rpc and rest in one port)
- Release rucat client crate to cargo.com
- Officially release docker images to docker hub.
- Release helm chart.
Rucat connect design
- Each engine should already be an RPC server.
- Rucat client can transparently connect to the engine and support all the operations that the engine supports. It plays as a proxy.
- Rucat server takes the request from the client and forwards it to the engine.
participant Client as Rucat Client
participant Server as Rucat Server
participant Engine as Rucat Engine
Client->>Server: (engine protocol, engine id)
Server->>Engine: engine protocol
Engine-->>Server: engine response
Server-->>Client: engine response
Dummy command that can make a pod run forever: tail -f /dev/null
~1.5M SLoC