#elapsed-time #command #bash #screen #linux #writting #continuosly

app rtime

similar to linux time command but writting the elapsed time continuosly on screen

15 releases (5 breaking)

Uses old Rust 2015

0.6.1 Feb 17, 2018
0.6.0 Jan 1, 2018
0.5.1 Dec 29, 2017
0.4.1 Dec 25, 2017
0.1.0 Dec 23, 2017

#9 in #elapsed-time

GPL-3.0 license

196 lines


Similar to Linux time command but writing the elapsed time continuously on screen

To use it

cargo install rtime


rtime 'ls; sleep 3; echo "sadfasdfasdfasdfa fasdf asdf asdf asd fasd asd f asdf asdfsadf asdf "; sleep 4'


Example with stdout and stderr

rtime 'echo 1; echo 2; >&2 echo  3; >&2 echo 4; echo 5; echo 6; echo 7; echo 8'

