rtc-shared is used at run time in 11 crates.

Number of dependers rtc-shared version Downloads/month
9 0.2.1 94
2 0.1.1 95
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) rtc-shared version
150 4 rtc-stun ^0.2.0
110 rtc-turn ^0.2.0
100 1 sfu ^0.1.1
2 rtc-datachannel ^0.2.0
2 rtc-dtls ^0.2.0
3 rtc-rtcp ^0.2.0
3 rtc-rtp ^0.2.0
3 rtc-sctp ^0.2.0
2 rtc-srtp ^0.2.0
rtc-ice ^0.2.0
webrtc-streaming-actix ^0.1.1