#id3 #mp3 #music #library #read-write


Library for reading and writing a id3 metadata

7 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.3.5 Apr 13, 2017
0.3.4 Mar 9, 2017
0.3.1 Feb 27, 2017
0.2.1 Feb 13, 2017

#845 in Audio

MIT license

2.5K SLoC


To learn rust!

  • This library is used for console based ID3 tagging tool Markdang.


This is ID3 read and write library.

other usecases See tests.

Add dependency

This can be used by adding rtag to your dependencies in your project's Cargo.toml

rtag = "0.3.5"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate rtag;

Reding: How to read ID3 information

To read a ID3 metadata, you use a MetadataReader and a Unit enum.

and the MetadataReader is implementing the std::iter::Iterator trait, you can use filter, map, fold.. and so on.


// read a frame1
for m in MetadataReader::new("./test-resources/v1-v2.mp3").unwrap() {
    match m {
        Unit::FrameV1(frame) => {
            debug!("v1: {:?}", frame);
            assert_eq!("Artist", frame.artist);
            assert_eq!("!@#$", frame.comment);
            assert_eq!("1", frame.track);
            assert_eq!("137", frame.genre);
        _ => (),

// filter a frame v3 having `compression flag`
let mut i = MetadataReader::new(path).unwrap().filter(|m| match m {
    &Unit::FrameV2(FrameHeader::V23(ref header), _) => {
    _ => false,

// fold a frame v2
let new_data = MetadataReader::new(path)
    .fold(Vec::new(), |mut vec, unit| {
        if let Unit::FrameV2(frame_head, frame_body) = unit {
            let new_frame_body = if let FrameBody::TALB(ref frame) = frame_body {
                let mut new_frame = frame.clone();
                new_frame.text = "Album!".to_string();
            } else {

            vec.push(Unit::FrameV2(frame_head, new_frame_body));
        } else {


Writing: How to write ID3 information

To write a ID3 metadata, you pass FrameHeader and FrameBody to MetadataWriter via std::vec::Vec.


let new_data = MetadataReader::new(path)
    .fold(Vec::new(), |mut vec, unit| {
        if let Unit::FrameV2(frame_head, frame_body) = unit {
            let new_frame_body = ...
            vec.push(Unit::FrameV2(frame_head, new_frame_body));


let _ = MetadataWriter::new(path).unwrap().write(new_data, false);

Rewrite: How to rewrite a ID3 information to version 4

To rewrite all the frames to version 4, it is same to above example but second parameter is true.

Note: the frame v1 information is ignored and some frames that are ignored.

  • In 2.2 'CRM', 'PIC'.
  • In 2.3 'EQUA', 'IPLS', 'RVAD', 'TDAT', 'TIME', 'TORY', 'TRDA', 'TSIZ', 'TYER'
// collect frames having version 2
let frames = MetadataReader::new(path).unwrap().collect::<Vec<Unit>>();
// rewrite to version 4
let _ = MetadataWriter::new(path).unwrap().write(frames, true);
// read a version 4
for unit in MetadataReader::new(path).unwrap() {
    match unit {
        Unit::FrameV2(FrameHeader::V24(head), frame_body) => {
        _ => (),

Getting information of a frame body without property name.

To read value of frame without property name, FrameBody support to_map and inside.


for unit in MetadataReader::new(path).unwrap() {
    match unit {
        Unit::FrameV2(_, ref frame_body) => {
            // 1. using to_map();
            let map = frame_body.to_map();
            //    <key1:&str>: <value1:String>
            //    ...

            // 2. using inside
            frame_body.inside(|key, value| {
                // key<&str>, value<String>

                true // if true, look inside next.

        _ => (),


~209K SLoC