#circuit-breaker #fault-tolerance #resilience

no-std rssafecircuit

This Rust library implements a Circuit Breaker pattern with asynchronous support using Tokio, managing failure states and recovery strategies

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 30, 2024

#299 in No standard library

Custom license

139 lines


This Rust library implements a Circuit Breaker pattern with asynchronous support using Tokio, managing failure states and recovery strategies.


  • CircuitBreakerState:

  • Enum defining the possible states of the circuit breaker:

    • Closed: Normal operation mode.
    • Open: Circuit breaker is open due to too many failures.
    • HalfOpen: Circuit breaker is in a trial mode to check if the underlying service has recovered.
  • CircuitBreaker Struct:

    • Manages the state and behavior of the circuit breaker.
    • Tracks failures, successes, and transitions between states.


new(max_failures, timeout, pause_time):

Constructor to initialize a new CircuitBreaker instance.


  • max_failures: Maximum number of consecutive failures allowed before tripping.
  • timeout: Duration in seconds for which the circuit breaker remains open.
  • pause_time: Duration in milliseconds to wait before attempting to recheck the service.


Executes a given asynchronous function (func) wrapped in a future. Handles the circuit breaker logic:

  • Checks if the circuit is open or half-open before executing.
  • Tracks successes and failures.
  • Transitions state based on the number of failures.


Increments failure counters and trips the circuit breaker if the threshold is reached.


Resets the circuit breaker state upon a successful operation.


Trips the circuit breaker, setting it to open state upon reaching the failure threshold.


Resets the circuit breaker to closed state upon recovery.


Sets a callback function to execute when the circuit breaker opens.


Sets a callback function to execute when the circuit breaker closes.


Sets a callback function to execute when the circuit breaker transitions to half-open state.

Usage Example

Here’s an example demonstrating how to use the CircuitBreaker in a main.rs file using Tokio for asynchronous execution:

use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::sleep;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
use rssafecircuit::CircuitBreaker; // Adjust to match your crate name and structure

fn main() {
    let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();

    rt.block_on(async {
        let max_failures = 3;
        let timeout = 2;
        let pause_time = 1000;
        // Create a CircuitBreaker instance
        let mut breaker = CircuitBreaker::new(max_failures, timeout, pause_time);

        // Example operations
        let success_operation = || async { Ok("Operation successful".to_string()) };
        let failure_operation = || async { Err("Operation failed".to_string()) };

        // Example usage
        for _ in 0..=max_failures {
            let result = breaker.execute(success_operation.clone()).await;
            println!("Result: {:?}", result);

        // Simulate max_failures+1 attempt to see the circuit breaker in action
        let result = breaker.execute(success_operation.clone()).await;
        println!("Result: {:?}", result);

        // Wait for the circuit breaker to potentially reset

        // Attempt after waiting, should be successful again
        let result = breaker.execute(success_operation.clone()).await;
        println!("Result: {:?}", result);

        // Trigger circuit breaker with failure attempts
        for _ in 0..=max_failures {
            let result = breaker.execute(failure_operation.clone()).await;
            println!("Result: {:?}", result);

        // Another attempt to see circuit breaker in action
        let result = breaker.execute(failure_operation).await;
        println!("Result: {:?}", result);

How to Use


  1. Ensure you have Rust and Cargo installed.
  2. Add rssafecircuit (or your crate name) as a dependency in your Cargo.toml.


  1. Create a CircuitBreaker instance with desired configuration parameters.
  2. Define operations (success and failure scenarios) as asynchronous closures (async blocks).
  3. Use the execute() method to run operations through the circuit breaker, observing state transitions and handling of failures.

Callbacks (Optional):

  • Set callbacks using set_on_open(), set_on_close(), and set_on_half_open() methods to perform actions on state changes (open, close, half-open).


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


~63K SLoC