#tdd #bdd #unit-testing

macro rs_unit

RsUnit is a testing crate similar to Elixirs ExUnit

2 releases

0.0.2 Oct 14, 2021
0.0.1 Oct 13, 2021
0.0.0 Oct 10, 2021

#984 in Testing

MIT license

351 lines


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RsUnit is a unit testing framework for Rust. It's a wrapper around the native cargo test interface. RsUnit mimics the structure and behavior of ExUnit.


A test suite is always wrapped in a rs_unit block. Inside this rs_unit block can be multiple describe blocks. A describe block is used to group related tests. The essence of RsUnit is the describe block. This block consists of three parts; a setup, test and teardown part. The setup and teardown are optional. The only required part is test.


The setup block contains logic that is run before the tests. Here we differentiate between setup and setup_all. The setup block is run with every test. The setup_all block is executed a single time, before every test. Database or drive setups are use cases for the setup block.


Each describe block contain multiple test blocks. There is no limit but keep in mind to keep your tests as short as possible.


The teardown block is run after the tests. Similar to the setup blocks, you have the choice between teardown and teardown_all. A typical use case is for example the removal of the database or folders that were created in the setup block.


use rs_unit::rs_unit;

pub fn add_number(number_one: i32, number_two: i32) -> i32 {
    number_one + number_two

rs_unit! {
    describe "add_number/2" {
        test "success: Add two numbers" {
            let result = add_number(1, 1);

            assert_eq!(result, 2);

Special thanks

I want to thank NyxCode and Yandros FR-ES from Discord and rodrimati1992 for helping me to better understand how procedural macros are working, having patience and pointing me into the right direction.


MIT License - Copyright (c) 2021 Marius Wilms


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