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RoboPLC RPC - JSON RPC 2.0 minimalistic server and client crates.io page docs.rs page GitHub Actions CI

JSON RPC 2.0 server and client, part of RoboPLC project.


Ultra-lightweight JSON RPC 2.0 server and client library. Fully generic implementation, no runtime dispatching, maximum performance and exhaustiveness.

Protocol-agnostic, can be used with any transport layer.

Note: batch requests are not supported as used pretty never in practice. In case if you really need them, submit an issue/pull request.



use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use roboplc_rpc::{client::RpcClient, dataformat};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
// use tag = "method", content = "params" for the canonical JSON-RPC 2.0
#[serde(tag = "m", content = "p", rename_all = "lowercase", deny_unknown_fields)]
enum MyMethod<'a> {
    Test {},
    Hello { name: &'a str },

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum MyResult {
    General { ok: bool },

let client: RpcClient<dataformat::Json, MyMethod, MyResult> = RpcClient::new();
let req = client.request(MyMethod::Hello { name: "world" }).unwrap();
// send req.payload() via the chosen transport to the server
// if response is received, get the result
// let result = client.handle_response(&response); // returns MyResult or RpcError


use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use roboplc_rpc::{RpcResult, dataformat, server::{RpcServer, RpcServerHandler}};

// use the same types as in the client, e.g. share a common crate
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(tag = "m", content = "p", rename_all = "lowercase", deny_unknown_fields)]
enum MyMethod<'a> {
    Test {},
    Hello { name: &'a str },

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum MyResult {
    General { ok: bool },

struct MyRpc {}

impl<'a> RpcServerHandler<'a> for MyRpc {
    type Method = MyMethod<'a>;
    type Result = MyResult;
    type Source = std::net::IpAddr;

    fn handle_call(&self, method: MyMethod, source: Self::Source)
        -> RpcResult<MyResult> {
        println!("Received call from {}", source);
        match method {
            MyMethod::Test {} => Ok(MyResult::General { ok: true }),
            MyMethod::Hello { name } => Ok(MyResult::String(format!("Hello, {}", name))),

let server = roboplc_rpc::server::RpcServer::new(MyRpc {});
// get the request from the transport
let request_payload = r#"{"i":1,"m":"hello","p":{"name":"world"}}"#.as_bytes();
if let Some(response_payload) = server.handle_request_payload::<dataformat::Json>(
    request_payload, std::net::IpAddr::V4(std::net::Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST)) {
    // send response_payload via the chosen transport to the client. if the
    // payload is none, either the client does not need a response or the
    // request was completely invalid (no error can be returned)

Canonical/minimalistic JSON-RPC 2.0

By default the crate works in a "minimalistic" mode:

  • jsonrpc field is not required in the request/response, the version is never checked.

  • id, method and params request fields are renamed to i, m and p respectively.

  • id, result and error response fields are renamed to i, r and e respectively.

The mode can be changed to JSON-RPC 2.0 canonical by enabling the canonical feature.


  • std - std support (enabled by default).
  • msgpack - enables MessagePack serialization support.
  • http - certain tools for HTTP transport (calls via HTTP GET, minimalistic responses).
  • canonical - enable canonical JSON-RPC 2.0


This library is no_std compatible. Use --no-default-features to disable std support.

no-std mode is still in development, e.g. a std-client can not talk to a no-std-server and vice versa.

heapless::String is used for strings instead of the standard one (for error messages).


  • Request id can be u32 only.
  • Provides data types only, no client/server implementations.
  • Error messages can be 128 bytes long only.
  • Request and response data is placed under additional p field as serde does not support flatten in no_std.




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