13 releases

0.4.2 Oct 26, 2023
0.4.1 Jul 11, 2023
0.4.0 Jun 21, 2022
0.3.3 Nov 24, 2021
0.2.0 Dec 14, 2018

#217 in Filesystem

29 downloads per month

MIT license

141 lines


A fast and lean replacement for the find command, modeled after the ripgrep package (https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep).


Install with Cargo (https://crates.io):

$ cargo install ripfind


Usage: rf [regex] [dir] [options]

    -i, --ignore-case    Search case insensitively.
    -s, --sensitive-case
                         Search case sensitively.
    -h, --help           Print this help menu.
    -v, --version        Print version.
        --color <WHEN>   Color output.
                         WHEN can be never, always, or auto.
        --type <TYPE>    Filter file type.
                         <TYPE> can be:
                         d - directory
                         f - regular file
                         l - symbolic link.

Prints all files matching regex in the directory dir. All parameters are optional. If dir is not provided, ripfind will search in the current directory. If regex is not provided, ripfind will print all files.


~101K SLoC