Cargo Features

rhyper has no features set by default.

rhyper = { version = "0.14.33", features = ["full", "http1", "http2", "client", "server", "stream", "runtime", "tcp", "ffi", "backports", "deprecated", "nightly"] }

Nothing by default

full = client, http1, http2, runtime, server, stream

Easily turn it all on

http1 full?

HTTP versions

Affects conn::http1, conn::http1, conn::Http, conn::Parts, exec::NewSvcExec

http2 full? = h2

Enables unstable of rh2 ^0.3


Enables unstable APIs. Any API exposed by this feature has no backwards compatibility guarantees. In other words, you should not use this feature for anything besides experimentation. Definitely do not publish a crate that depends on this feature.

Affects ext::Protocol, conn::http2, conn::http2, conn::Http, conn::Parts, exec::NewSvcExec

client full?


server full?

Affects exec::ConnStreamExec, exec::NewSvcExec

stream full?

impl Stream for things

Affects accept::from_stream

runtime full? = tcp

Tokio support

Enables rt and time of tokio

tcp runtime? = socket2

Enables net, rt and time of tokio

ffi = libc

C-API support (currently unstable (no semver))

Affects rhyper::ffi


enable 1.0 backports

Affects conn::http1, conn::http2, conn::http1, conn::http2


whether or not to display deprecation warnings


internal features used in CI

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

h2 http2?

Enables rh2 ^0.3

libc ffi?

Enables libc


socket2 tcp?