#error #json-error #error-derive #rest #error-message #macro-derive #actix

macro resterror-derive

A simple library to handle REST errors, with a derive macro to generate the error type. It also provides a compatibility layer with actix-web.

3 releases

0.1.3 Jan 18, 2023
0.1.2 Jan 18, 2023
0.1.1 Jan 18, 2023

#11 in #error-derive

MIT license

330 lines


This is a simple library to handle errors in a RESTful way. It uses a lightweight syntax to define errors and their codes.


This crate uses the 'PO' translation method and also allows you to define error messages in a JSON file. This means that if you use the PO method, the error messages are defined in a PO file for each language.

Because this crate is used in the INSAgenda project, the JSON format of the response is defined with the following fields:

  "kind": "invalid_request",
  "messages_fr": "Requête invalide",
  "messages_en": "Invalid request",
  "origin": ""

In the future, this crate will be more generic and will be in the following format:

  "kind": "invalid_request",
  "messages": {
    "fr": "Requête invalide",
    "en": "Invalid request"


You can for example define an error for actix:

Define errors

    #[derive(resterror::AsApiError, Debug, Clone)]
    #[po_directory = "locales/"]
    pub enum Error {
        /// Invalid request
        #[error(status = "BadRequest")]
        /// Database timeout 
        #[error(status = "InternalServerError")]
        /// Too large request
        #[error(status = "BadRequest")]
        /// SQLite error
        #[error(status = "InternalServerError", msg_id = "database")]
        /// Invalid JSON
        #[error(status = "BadRequest")]
        /// Blocking error
        #[error(status = "InternalServerError")]
        /// Auth required
        #[error(code = 511)]
        /// Custom error
        #[error(code = 500)]

    impl From<BlockingError> for Error {
        fn from(_: BlockingError) -> Self { BlockingError }

    impl Display for Error {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:?}", self) }

    impl actix_web::ResponseError for Error {
        fn status_code(&self) -> StatusCode {
            let api_error = self.as_api_error();

        fn error_response(&self) -> actix_web::HttpResponse {
            let api_error = self.as_api_error();

You need to define the PO directory where the PO files are located.
The name of each file must be the language code.

Use errors

For example, you can use the error in an actix route like this:

    async fn index() -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> {

    async fn custom_error() -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> {
        Err(Error::CustomError(tr! {
            "fr" => "Erreur personnalisée",
            "en" => "Custom error"

This error will be translated to the following JSON:

  "kind": "invalid_request",
  "messages_fr": "Requête invalide",
  "messages_en": "Invalid request",
  "origin": ""

With the following PO file:

fr.po :

msgid "invalid_request"
msgstr "Requête invalide"

en.po :

msgid "invalid_request"
msgstr "Invalid request"

That's it, you can now use this library to handle errors in a RESTful way in your project. Keep in mind that this is just a basic example, you can customize and expand it to fit your needs.


~166K SLoC