#repr #ptr #type #layout #guaranteed #len #struct

no-std repr_c

#[repr(C)] equivalents of stdlib pervasive types for easier FFI

1 unstable release

0.0.0 Feb 16, 2020

#9 in #len

MIT license

865 lines


A crate to expose #[repr(C)] (and thus FFI-compatible) types equivalent to the standard library's, such as:

  • RefSlice<'lt, T>, a &'lt [T] whose layout in C is guaranteed to be struct { T const * ptr; size_t len; } (but with ptr != NULL: wrap it in an Option if you want to support the NULL case).

  • MutSlice<'lt, T>, a &'lt mut [T] whose layout in C is guaranteed to be struct { T * ptr; size_t len; } (but with ptr != NULL: wrap it in an Option if you want to support the NULL case).

  • BoxedSlice<T>, a Box<[T]> whose layout in C is guaranteed to be struct { T * ptr; size_t len; } (but with ptr != NULL: wrap it in an Option if you want to support the NULL case).

⚠️ WIP ⚠️

This is currently still being developed and in an experimental stage, hence its not being published to crates.io yet.
