9 unstable releases

0.5.1 Aug 10, 2023
0.5.0 Jun 24, 2023
0.4.2 Aug 23, 2022
0.3.0 Aug 22, 2022
0.0.0 Aug 19, 2022

#1863 in Data structures


501 lines


Crate Docs License

This crate provides 2 kinds of reference: immutable and mutable. All of them represented in one enum RefKind, which allows to store immutable and mutable references together.

But the most importantly, this crate allows to retrieve many mutable references out of the collection by creating a new collection which holds these references.

For that very case, crate defines some useful traits:

  • MoveRef and MoveMut for containers to retrieve corresponding kind of reference,
  • Move as a combination of the traits above,
  • Many for collections which is implemented for peekable iterators, slices and so on.

But nothing stops you to implement these traits for other types as well!


use core::array;

use ref_kind::{Many, RefKind, MoveError};

// Create an array of square of integers from 0 to 9
let mut array: [_; 10] = array::from_fn(|i| i * i);

// Create collection of mutable references on all of the array elements
let mut many: [_; 10] = array
    .map(|sq| Some(RefKind::from(sq)))

// Move out mutable reference by index 1
// It is no longer in the `many`
let one = many.move_mut(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*one, 1);

// Move out immutable reference by index 4
// `many` now contains immutable reference, not mutable one
let four = many.move_ref(4).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*four, 16);
// Move it again: no panic here because immutable reference was copied
let four_again = many.move_ref(4).unwrap();
assert_eq!(four, four_again);

// This call will return an error because `many` contains no reference by index 1
let one_again = many.try_move_ref(1);
assert_eq!(one_again, Err(MoveError::BorrowedMutably));

#![no_std] support

This crate is a no_std crate. It depends only on the core crate.

std feature of the crate is enabled by default, so to use it in no_std environment, you should disable default features of this crate in Cargo.toml:

ref_kind = { version = "0.5.0", default-features = false }


This crate contains no unsafe code.


This crate has the following Cargo features:

Feature name Description
alloc Implements Many trait for VecDeque and BTreeMap in alloc crate
std Implements Many trait for HashMap in standard library, depends on alloc feature
hashbrown Implements Many trait for HashMap in hashbrown crate

Feature std is enabled by default. You can disable it by using default-features = false in Cargo.toml.

These features were added to this crate to make it usable with common Rust collections, such as Vec and HashMap.


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