#model #redb #schema #macro-derive #generate


Redb model derive macro and DTO type conversion

13 releases (6 breaking)

0.8.0 Sep 2, 2024
0.7.0 Sep 2, 2024
0.6.1 Aug 26, 2024
0.5.0 Aug 13, 2024
0.2.3 Aug 9, 2024

#491 in Rust patterns

Download history 255/week @ 2024-08-05 427/week @ 2024-08-12 248/week @ 2024-08-26 253/week @ 2024-09-02

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78 lines

Redb Model

A derive macro for generating [redb] table definitions and (optionally) DTO object conversion methods/implementations.


At a minimum, deriving Model on a named struct will implement the [Model] trait, declaring redb::TableDefinition as an associated constant.

struct User {
    id: u32,
    name: String,
    email: String,

assert_eq!(User::DEFINITION.name(), "User");

Tables can be customized with optional arguments, and an implementation of [ModelExt] can be generated to provide common DTO functionality.

#[model(name = "outbound_edge", impl_ext)]
struct Edge {
    source: u32,
    target: u32,
    label: String,

assert_eq!(Edge::DEFINITION.name(), "outbound_edge");
let edge = Edge::from_values(((0, 1), "label".to_owned()));

let txn = db.begin_write().unwrap();
    let mut table = txn.open_table(Edge::DEFINITION).unwrap();
    let (k, v) = edge.as_values();
    table.insert(k, v).unwrap();

Struct Attributes

A model can be customized with the model attribute, providing any of the following arguments:

Argument Description Type Default
table_name The table name passed to the definition String <Struct name> (case-sensitive)
table_type Table type, either table or multimap_table String table
impl_ext Implement ModelExt for the type bool false
impl_from Implement From<T>, mapping T to the from_values(T) and from_guards(T) methods of ModelExt. Requires impl_ext. bool false

Field Attributes

Values can be customized with the entry attribute. Each field must be specified as either key or value with the position argument. Note that composite variables (multiple key or value fields) are combined as tuples in the order they are defined in the struct.

Argument Description Type Default
position The position of the field in an entry, either a key or a value. String N/A

Implementation details

General notes regarding trait and type generation.

String Table Definitions

redb_model will replace String with &str for table definitions. This is so that composite (tuple) variables can be borrowed and passed to database handlers without destructuring the DTO.

Unit type values

The unit type () must be passed if no value is defined.

#[model(name = "outbound_edge", impl_ext)]
struct Edge {
    source: [u8; 16],
    target: [u8; 16],
let k = ([0; 16], [1; 16]);
let v = ();
let e = Edge::from_values((k, v));

License: MIT OR Apache-2.0


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