#table #hash #rainbow #crypto #cryptanalysis


Fast & extensible rainbow tables implementation

4 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.4 Sep 4, 2018
0.1.3 Sep 4, 2018
0.1.2 Sep 4, 2018
0.1.1 Jan 9, 2018

#1183 in Cryptography

MIT license

214 lines


rbtables is a fast, lightweight, and extensible implementation of rainbow tables in Rust. It is intended as an API to support general use cases of rainbow tables. The user will need to supply hashing and reduction functions.


Begin by implementing the Hasher trait containing the function digest(&self, plaintext : &str) -> String. This function accepts an arbitrary plaintext string and should produce a hexidecimal-encoded digest string. For example, this example produces the hex encoding of a plaintext's MD5 hash:

use rbtables::prelude::Hasher;

struct MD5Hasher;
impl Hasher for MD5Hasher {
  fn digest(&self, plaintext : &str) -> String {
    format!("{:x}", md5::compute(plaintext.as_bytes()))

Next, you will need to create a set of reduction function(s) by implementing the Reducer trait. You must implement the function reduce(&self, hash : &str) -> String, which accepts the output of your hasher and should produce another plaintext string. A trivial example involves taking the first n characters from the hex encoding of the hash:

use rbtables::prelude::Reducer;

struct SubstringReducer {
  n: usize
impl Reducer for SubstringReducer {

  fn reduce(&self, hash : &str) -> String {


After that, you can build a rainbow table by supplying the hasher and a vector of reduction functions. The rainbow table will need to be supplied with seed values, which will determine the effectiveness of your table along with the reduction functions.

See the crates.io documentation for additional information.

