1 stable release

8.0.0 Nov 26, 2022
7.0.3 Dec 5, 2019
6.0.1 May 1, 2019
5.0.0 Jan 25, 2016
4.0.0 Dec 11, 2015

#1855 in Algorithms


290 lines

Rustastic Automaton

ram allows you to ease the creation of a language lexer based on finite state machines.

ram is made available free of charge. You can support its development through Liberapay 💪


Add ram as a dependency in Cargo.toml:

ram = "8.0"

See examples and docs at https://docs.rs/ram.


The source code is released under the Apache 2.0 license.


This library makes it easy to create finite state machines to tokenize strings.

Here's the simplest automaton you can make with it, it simply finds EOF:

use ram::Automaton;

enum TokenType {

// Create the FSM (2 states, 0 or 1) that will parse the source code
let mut am = Automaton::new(0, 1);
// When the FSM hits the end of the source, go to state 1, the final state
am.find_end(TokenType::End as i32, 0, 1);

// Run the FSM with an empty string as the source code
let source_code = format!("");
let runner = am.run(source_code);

assert_eq!(runner.tokens.len(), 1);

// With a non-empty string, the result is not complete
let source_code = format!("Invalid entry");
let runner = am.run(source_code);

assert_eq!(runner.tokens.len(), 0);

Run cargo run --example let-it-be-42 to see a more complete example.


~53K SLoC