3 releases (breaking)

0.3.0 Jul 8, 2022
0.2.0 Jul 2, 2022
0.1.0 Mar 11, 2022

#5 in #rad

27 downloads per month
Used in r4d


60 lines

R4d (Rad)

R4d is a text oriented macro prosessor that is modern, expressive, and easy to use.


3.2 is coming

Currently master branch is not well tested. Please consider using a well tested crates.io version.

Table of conents


Raw texts

$define(author=Simon Creek)
$define(title=R4d demo)
title  : $title()
author : $author()
My name is $author() and I made r4d to make macros can be used within various
forms of texts. This article was written in $date() $time().

$ifdef(test, This should be only printed when I'm testing not in release)$dnl()

This is some important table automatically formatted according to environment


        SELECT id,first_name,address 
        FROM addr where first_name = John

% Comments are disabled by default for better compatibility
% TABLE_FORM == github


Evaluation : $prec($eval( $num(0.1second) + $num(0.2sekunde)),2)
Evaluation : $evalk( 1 + 2 )

Processed texts

Ran with TABLE_FORM=github rad file_name.md -a env+fin --comment

title  : R4d demo
author : Simon Creek
My name is Simon Creek and I made r4d to make macros can be used within various
forms of texts. This article was written in 2022-01-18 16:38:07.

This is some important table automatically formatted according to environment


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore.

Evaluation : 0.30
Evaluation : 1 + 2 = 3


Install rust toolchain for build

I recommend using cargo install until I prepare a proper CD pipeline.

# Binary with full macros support
cargo install r4d --features binary --locked

# Only include macros that doesnt't require external crates
cargo install r4d --features basic --locked

# Refer docs.rs or usage section for detailed feature usage

Simple usage


There are two binaries of each rad and rado. Rad is a main processor and rado is a wrapper binary.

# rad
# Read from a file and print to stdout 
rad input_file.txt
# Read from standard input and print to a file
printf '...text...' | rad -o out_file.txt
# Get a simple manual for a macro
rad --man ifdef

# rado
# Edit a source file
rado edit file_name.txt
# Read a processed file
rado read file_name.txt
# Print environment variables
rado env


use r4d::RadError;
use r4d::Processor;

let processor = Processor::new()




Known issues


No runtime deps
