4 releases

0.2.2 Feb 2, 2021
0.2.1 Feb 2, 2021
0.2.0 Feb 2, 2021
0.1.0 Feb 2, 2021

#357 in HTTP client

MIT license

198 lines


crates.io Docs rustc License

An API Wrapper for the QuiverQuant Data API.


  • Full QuiverQuant Tier 1 & Tier 2 API Support
  • async/.await support (regardless of runtime)
  • serde support for all data-types.
  • Set the API URL to point at a another server for back-testing.

Getting Started

  1. You'll need an API Key from QuiverQuant. Get one [here][quiverquant-api]
  2. QuiverQuant has two tiers, one is $10 a month, and the other is $75. Some API methods need a Tier 2 API Key. See QuiverQuant's Documentation for more info.
quiverquant = "1"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["macros"] } # Note: async-std may be used as well
use quiverquant::Client;

async fn main() {
  let client = Client::new("<api-key>");
  let trades = client.congress_trades().await;

Get recent trades from Congressional members

use quiverquant::Client;

async fn main() {
  let client = Client::new("<api-key>");
  let trades = client.congress_trades_by_ticker("TSLA").await;

Get recent TSLA trades from Congressional members

Want to run these examples in your terminal?

git clone git@github.com:ajmwagar/quiverquant.rs
cd quiverquant.rs
QQ_API_KEY=<api_key> cargo run --example congress

See the full example here.

Please refer to the full documentation for more details.



Run tests with: QQ_API_KEY=<api_key> cargo test

Issues & PRs

Both are accepted and appreciated. Much <3.


~237K SLoC