#bevy-ecs #macroquad #miniquad #ecs #bevy


bevy_ecs for miniquad/macroquad without wasm-bindgen

1 unstable release

0.0.1 Aug 2, 2024

#21 in #miniquad



bevy_ecs for miniquad/macroquad without wasm-bindgen

Why ?

IDK, less bloat & faster compiles ?

How it works ?

By patching bevy crates to remove functionality or chage implementation. as of 0.14.0 , the changes include:

  • removing all multi-threaded related functionality of bevy_ecs
  • removing schedule_runner and panic_handler plugins of bevy_app
  • removing bevy_time usage in bevy_app
  • modifying bevy_utils to use miniquad::date::now() instead of web-time

How can I use it ?

By adding the following lines to .cargo/config.toml

bevy_ecs = { git = "https://github.com/yui-915/quad_bevy", branch = "bevy_ecs@0.14.0" }
bevy_app = { git = "https://github.com/yui-915/quad_bevy", branch = "bevy_app@0.14.0" }
bevy_utils = { git = "https://github.com/yui-915/quad_bevy", branch = "bevy_utils@0.14.0" }


Click to show

You can build it for web just like any other macroquad project and it'll work without any extra setup

use bevy_app::prelude::*;
use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
use macroquad::prelude::*;

fn main() {
        .add_plugins(MacroquadRunner("Hello, world!"))
        .add_systems(Startup, spawn_squares)
        .add_systems(Update, (move_squares, bg, draw_squares).chain())

struct Position(f32, f32);

fn spawn_squares(mut cmds: Commands) {
    cmds.spawn(Position(0.0, 100.0));
    cmds.spawn(Position(450.0, 500.0));

fn bg() {

fn move_squares(mut query: Query<&mut Position>) {
    for mut position in &mut query {
        position.0 += 10.0;
        if position.0 > screen_width() {
            position.0 = 0.0;

fn draw_squares(query: Query<&Position>) {
    for position in &query {
        draw_rectangle(position.0, position.1, 100.0, 100.0, BLACK);

// Example bevy runner plugin for macroquad
pub struct MacroquadRunner(pub &'static str);
impl Plugin for MacroquadRunner {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
        let window_title = self.0;
        app.set_runner(|mut app| {
            macroquad::Window::new(window_title, async move {
                loop {

Should I use it ?

Probably not, this project is highly experimental, and might break your code due to incompatible changes or different miniquad version

Why is this a crate ?

Just so it shows up on crates.io, otherwise it does nothing. you can used the patched bevy crates without download this crate.


I'll keep the "MIT or Apache 2.0" licence from the original bevy crates

No runtime deps