#arena #unique #identifier

no-std pui-arena

Generalized Arenas that can be used on no_std

2 releases

0.5.1 Jan 14, 2021
0.5.0 Jan 10, 2021

#1837 in Data structures

29 downloads per month
Used in pui




A set of very efficient, and very customizable arenas that can elide bounds checks wherever possible.

License: MIT/Apache-2.0


A set of very efficient, and very customizable arenas that can elide bounds checks wherever possible.

This crate is heavily inspired by crates like slotmap and slab.

pui-arena provides a set of collections that allow you to insert and delete items in at least amortized O(1), access elements in O(1). It also provides the tools required to avoid the ABA problem.

You can think of the collections in pui-arena as a HashMap/BTreeMap where the arena manages the keys, and provides a very efficient way to access elements.

Why use pui-arena over alternatives

pui-arena allows you to minimize overhead wherever possible, and fully customize the arenas. This allows you to use an api like slab or slotmap based on how you use the api. (There are also newtypes featured-gated by the features slab and slotmap that implement a similar interface to those two crates).

If you use the pui/scoped feature, then you can also eliminate bounds checks entirely, which can be a huge performance save in performance sensitive regions.

pui-arena also provides a more features than competitors, such as a vacant entry api for versioned arenas, and drain_filter for all arenas.

Choosing sparse, hop, or dense

  • If you want fast insertion/deletion/acccess and don't care about iteration speed, use sparse.

  • If you want fast iteration speed above all else, use dense

  • If you want reasonable iteration speed and also fast access/delete, or if dense is to memory heavy, use hop

You can read about the details of how each works in the corrosponding module docs

Performance characteristics


all of the collections in pui-arena allow you to

  • insert elements in amortized O(1)
  • delete/access elements in O(1)
  • guarantee that keys never get invalidated unless remove is called


For each Arena<T, _, V> where V: Version, the memory overhead is as follows:

  • sparse Arena - size_of(V) + max(size_of(T), size_of(usize)) per slot
  • hop Arena - size_of(V) + max(size_of(T), 3 * size_of(usize)) per slot
  • dense Arena - size_of(V) + size_of(usize) per slot, and size_of(usize) + size_of(T) per value

Implementation Details

The core of this crate is the the Version trait, the ArenaKey trait, and the BuildArenaKey trait.

Version specifies the behavior of the arenas. pui-arena provides three implementations, see Version for more details:

  • DefaultVersion
    • Ensures that all keys produced by insert are unique
    • backed by a u32, so it may waste space for small values
      • technically if items are inserted/removed many times, slots will be "leaked", and iteraton performance may degrade but, this is unlikely, unless the same slot is reused over 2 billion times
  • TinyVersion -
    • Ensures that all keys produced by insert are unique
    • backed by a u8, if items are inserted/removed many times, slots will be "leaked", and iteraton performance may degrade
  • Unversioned -
    • Keys produced by insert are not guartneed to be unique
    • slots will never be "leaked"

ArenaKey specifies the behavior of keys into arenas. pui-arena provides a number of implementations. See ArenaKey for details.

  • usize - allows accessing a given slot directly, with no regard for it's version
    • Note: when I say "with no regard for it's version", it still checks the version to see if the slot is occupied, but it has no means of checking if a slot a value was re-inserted into the same slot
  • Key<K, _> - allows accessing a slot specified by K, and checks the generation of the slot before providing a value.
    • K can be one of the other keys listed here (except for ScopedKey)
  • TrustedIndex - allows accessing a given slot directly, with no regard for it's version
    • elides bounds checks, but is unsafe to construct
    • This one should be used with care, if at all. It is better to use the pui feature and use pui_vec::Id instead. It is safe, and also guartnees bound check elision
  • ScopedKey<'_, _> - only allows access into scoped arenas (otherwise identical to Key)

enabled with the pui feature

  • pui_vec::Id - allows accessing a given slot directly, with no regard for it's version
    • elides bounds checks

BuildArenaKey specifies how arenas should create keys, all implementors of ArenaKey provided by this crate also implement BuildArenaKey except for TrustedIndex.

Custom arenas

You can newtype arenas with the newtype macro, or the features: slab, slotmap, or scoped.

// Because the backing id type is `()`, there are no bounds checks when using
// this arena!
pui_arena::newtype! {
    struct MyCustomArena;

let my_sparse_arena = sparse::Arena::new();
let my_dense_arena = dense::Arena::new();
let my_hop_arena = hop::Arena::new();

Becomes something like

pui_core::scalar_allocator! {
    struct MyCustomArena;

mod sparse {
    pub(super) Arena(pub(super) pui_arena::base::sparse::Arena<...>);

    /// more type aliases here

mod dense {
    pub(super) Arena(pub(super) pui_arena::base::dense::Arena<...>);

    /// more type aliases here

mod hop {
    pub(super) Arena(pub(super) pui_arena::base::hop::Arena<...>);

    /// more type aliases here

let my_sparse_arena = sparse::Arena::new();
let my_dense_arena = dense::Arena::new();
let my_hop_arena = hop::Arena::new();

Where each Arena newtype has a simplified api, and better error messages.
