Cargo Features

profi = { version = "0.1.2", default-features = false, features = ["attributes", "enable", "deep-hierarchy", "metaprof", "rayon", "nightly"] }
default = attributes, enable

These default features are set whenever profi is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

attributes default

Enables profi-attributes

Derive macros

enable default

Enable measurements

Enables beef

Slimmer alternative to std::borrow::Cow

and comfy-table

Cli table creator

and indexmap

Map that supports accessing by insert order

and minstant

Faster alternative to std::time::Instant

Affects process::print_timings


Do not merge entries with the same name


Enable meta profiling (profiling of 'profi' methods)


Enable rayon compatibility

Enables rayon

For dropping the threads managed by rayon


Enables nightly-only optimizations

Affects zz_private::type_name_of