Cargo Features

process-wrap = { version = "8.2.0", default-features = false, features = ["downcasting", "tracing", "std", "tokio1", "creation-flags", "job-object", "kill-on-drop", "process-group", "process-session", "reset-sigmask"] }
default = creation-flags, job-object, kill-on-drop, process-group, process-session, tracing

These default features are set whenever process-wrap is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Enable Any trait bound on the ChildWrapper traits

tracing default

Enable internal tracing logs

Enables tracing


Frontend: StdCommandWrap

Enables nix

Affects process-wrap::std


Frontend: TokioCommandWrap

Enables futures, nix, and tokio

Affects process-wrap::tokio

creation-flags default

Wrapper: Creation Flags

Enables Win32_System_Threading of windows ^0.59.0

job-object default

Wrapper: Job Object

Enables Win32_Security, Win32_System_Diagnostics_ToolHelp, Win32_System_IO, Win32_System_JobObjects and Win32_System_Threading of windows ^0.59.0

kill-on-drop default

Wrapper: Kill on Drop

process-group default process-session

Wrapper: Process Group

process-session default = process-group

Wrapper: Process Session


Wrapper: Reset Sigmask