#game-engine #control #ease #forged #built #events #lost


Forged in Lost Lands is a simple game engine built in Rust that focuses on data control and ease of use

8 releases

0.3.21 Apr 12, 2024
0.3.5 Jul 26, 2024
0.3.2 Apr 12, 2024
0.2.2 Apr 12, 2024
0.1.0 Apr 11, 2024

#791 in Game dev

39 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates

MIT license

821 lines

Forged in Lost Lands

alt text Forged in Lost Lands is a simple game engine built in Rust that focuses on data control and ease of use. It provides a straightforward API for managing game objects, traits, events, and coroutines.

Features Data Control: Manage game data with ease using Rust's strong typing and data ownership model.

Ethereal Flow: Utilize an Ethereal Flow system to manage game object hierarchies and behavior. Event Handling: Handle game events through Destiny Rifts. Thread Management: Manage game logic and coroutine tasks using Soul Threads. ForgetTrait: Set behavior to your traits that will be execute in every update. EonForge: Has every thing related to time control of tour application. ArcaneWeft: Provide a way to separate your logic across multiple files like plugin system. ForgedObject: The core of each entity that need to update their traits.

Simple Usage: Designed to be simple to use and integrate into your Rust game projects.


This engine does not have rendering by default, You need to pick one you prefer and use with it!

Installation To use Forged in Lost Lands in your Rust project, simply add the following line to your Cargo.toml file:

forged-in-lost-lands = "0.3.3"

Example Usage rust

// Important imports
use prime_derived::{hierarchy_ethereal_flow, DestinyRiftArcaneScript, EtherealFlowArcaneScript};
use prime_forge::{
    arcane_weft::ArcaneWeft, forged_trait::ForgedTrait, lost_realm::LostRealm, soul_thread::{EssenceAspect, SoulThread, TemporalPause}

// Use of proc_macro for some internals and attribute macro for some hierarchical features. 
struct Player {
    name: String,
    health: i32,

// Give behavior to your forged object
impl ForgedTrait for Player {
    fn start(&mut self, lost_realm: &mut LostRealm) {
        lost_realm.forge_new_object("Player", (Player::default(), Health::default())).unwrap();

    fn update(&mut self, _lost_realm: &mut LostRealm, _dt: f32) {
        println!("Player Update");

pub struct Health {
    pub health: i32,

impl ForgedTrait for Health {

// Define some custom events to your game or application
#[derive(DestinyRiftArcaneScript, EtherealFlowArcaneScript)]
pub struct Collision(bool);

// Define plugins for a better organization
pub struct ArcaneWeftCreation;
impl ArcaneWeft for ArcaneWeftCreation{
    fn craft(self, lost_realm: &mut LostRealm) {
        lost_realm.forge_new_object("Player", (Player::default(), Health::default())).unwrap();
        println!("Arcane Weft Creation")

fn main() {
    use nalgebra_glm as glm;
    let lost_realm = LostRealm::new();
    let health = Health {
        health: 100,
    let player = Player {
        name: "Player".to_string(),
        health: 100,

    let f2 = lost_realm.forge_new_object("Forged1", (health,)).unwrap();
    let health = Health {
        health: 100,
    let f = lost_realm
        .forge_new_object("Forged", (player, health))
    f.transform.borrow_mut().position += glm::vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    f2.transform.borrow_mut().position += glm::vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);


    let h = f.get_trait::<Health>().unwrap();
    let father = lost_realm.get_mut_parent_forged_object(h).unwrap();
    println!("Father: {:?}", father.name);

    let p = lost_realm.get_mut_trait_by_type::<Player>().unwrap();
    println!("Player: {:?}", p.name);
    let father = lost_realm.get_mut_parent_forged_object(p).unwrap();
    println!("Father: {:?}", father.name);

    let all_forged_object_by_health_traits = lost_realm.get_mut_all_forged_objects_by_trait::<Health>();
    for fo in all_forged_object_by_health_traits {
        println!("Forged Object: {:?}", fo.name);
        fo.name += "!";

    let all_health_traits = lost_realm.get_mut_all_trait_by_type::<Health>();
    for health in all_health_traits {
        println!("Health: {:?}", health.health);
        health.health += 100;

    let all_forged_object_by_health_traits = lost_realm.get_all_forged_objects_by_trait::<Health>();
    for fo in all_forged_object_by_health_traits {
        println!("Forged Object: {:?}", fo.name);

    let all_health_traits = lost_realm.get_all_trait_by_type::<Health>();
    for health in all_health_traits {
        println!("Health: {:?}", health.health);


    let rs = lost_realm.consume_destiny_rift_event::<Collision>();
    if let Some(rs) = rs {
        println!("Collision: {:?}", rs.0);
    let mut counter = 10;

    // Invoke coroutines
    lost_realm.add_soul_thread(SoulThread::new("Soul", move || {
        println!("Soul thread");
        counter -= 1;
        if counter == 0 {
            println!("Soul thread finished");
            return EssenceAspect::Finished;
        return EssenceAspect::Yielded(TemporalPause {
            amount_in_seconds: 1.0,


    // Get time related measures
    // need to pass current time to EonForge in update method
    let dt = lost_realm.get_delta_time();
    let time_since_start = lost_realm.get_time_elapsed();
    println!("Delta Time: {:?}", dt);
    println!("Time Since Start: {:?}", time_since_start);


License Forged in Lost Lands is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.


~85K SLoC