Cargo Features

pprof-backtrace = { version = "0.3.63", default-features = false, features = ["std", "serialize-rustc", "serialize-serde", "coresymbolication", "kernel32", "unix-backtrace", "verify-winapi", "cpp_demangle"] }
default = std

By default libstd support and gimli-symbolize is used to symbolize addresses.

std default

Include std support. This enables types like Backtrace.

Affects backtrace::trace, symbolize::resolve, symbolize::resolve_frame, symbolize::clear_symbol_cache

serialize-rustc = rustc-serialize

Methods of serialization

Various features used for enabling rustc-serialize or syntex codegen.

serialize-serde = serde

Deprecated/internal features

Only here for backwards compatibility purposes or for internal testing purposes. New code should use none of these features.

dbghelp dladdr gimli-symbolize kernel32
libbacktrace libunwind unix-backtrace

Enables dbghelp, handleapi, libloaderapi, memoryapi, minwindef, processthreadsapi, synchapi, tlhelp32, winbase and winnt of winapi

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

serde serialize-serde?

Enables serde

Optionally enable the ability to serialize a Backtrace, controlled through the serialize-* features below.

rustc-serialize serialize-rustc?
cpp_demangle implicit feature

Enables cpp_demangle ^0.3.0

Optionally demangle C++ frames' symbols in backtraces.

winapi win verify-winapi?