Cargo Features

polars-expr has no features set by default.

polars-expr = { version = "0.41.2", features = ["nightly", "streaming", "parquet", "temporal", "dtype-full", "dtype-array", "dtype-categorical", "dtype-date", "dtype-datetime", "dtype-decimal", "dtype-duration", "dtype-i16", "dtype-i8", "dtype-struct", "dtype-time", "dtype-u16", "dtype-u8", "approx_unique", "is_in", "round_series", "is_between", "dynamic_group_by", "propagate_nans", "panic_on_schema", "polars-json"] }

Enables nightly of polars-core and polars-plan


Enables polars-ops, streaming of polars-plan


Enables parquet of polars-io and polars-plan

temporal dtype-date? dtype-datetime? dtype-duration? dtype-time? dynamic_group_by? = dtype-date, dtype-datetime, dtype-duration, dtype-i16, dtype-i8, dtype-time

Enables temporal of polars-plan

dtype-full = dtype-array, dtype-categorical, dtype-date, dtype-datetime, dtype-decimal, dtype-duration, dtype-i16, dtype-i8, dtype-struct, dtype-time, dtype-u16, dtype-u8
dtype-array dtype-full?

Enables dtype-array of polars-ops and polars-plan

dtype-categorical dtype-full?

Enables dtype-categorical of polars-plan

dtype-date dtype-full? temporal? = temporal

Enables dtype-date of polars-plan and polars-time

dtype-datetime dtype-full? temporal? = temporal

Enables dtype-datetime of polars-plan and polars-time

dtype-decimal dtype-full?

Enables dtype-decimal of polars-plan

dtype-duration dtype-full? temporal? = temporal

Enables dtype-duration of polars-plan and polars-time

dtype-i16 dtype-full? temporal?

Enables dtype-i16 of polars-plan

dtype-i8 dtype-full? temporal?

Enables dtype-i8 of polars-plan

dtype-struct dtype-full?

Enables dtype-struct of polars-ops and polars-plan

dtype-time dtype-full? temporal? = temporal

Enables dtype-time of polars-plan and polars-time

dtype-u16 dtype-full?

Enables dtype-u16 of polars-plan

dtype-u8 dtype-full?

Enables dtype-u8 of polars-plan



Enables approx_unique of polars-plan


Enables is_in of polars-ops and polars-plan


Enables round_series of polars-ops and polars-plan


Enables is_between of polars-plan

dynamic_group_by = polars-time, temporal

Enables dynamic_group_by of polars-plan


Enables propagate_nans of polars-plan


Enables panic_on_schema of polars-plan

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

polars-json implicit feature

Enables polars-json


JSON related logic for the Polars DataFrame library

polars-time dtype-date? dtype-datetime? dtype-duration? dtype-time? dynamic_group_by?