4 releases
0.2.2 | Aug 12, 2021 |
0.2.1 | Aug 12, 2021 |
0.2.0 | Aug 12, 2021 |
0.1.0 | Jul 29, 2021 |
#39 in #details
Rust bindings for plthook
This crates provides Rust bindings for the plthook library.
Please see the API documentation and the description in the plthook library for more details.
To print symbols in the current process:
use plthook::ObjectFile;
fn main() {
let object = ObjectFile::open_main_program().unwrap();
for symbol in object.symbols() {
println!("{:?} {:?}", symbol.func_address, symbol.name);
To replace a symbol:
use plthook::ObjectFile;
use std::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int};
static mut ATOI_FN: MaybeUninit<fn(*const c_char) -> c_int> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
extern "C" fn neg_atoi(nptr: *const c_char) -> c_int {
let i = unsafe { (ATOI_FN.assume_init())(nptr) };
fn main() {
let object = ObjectFile::open_main_program().expect("Failed to open main program");
unsafe {
let mut atoi_entry = object.replace("atoi", neg_atoi as *const _).unwrap();
ATOI_FN = MaybeUninit::new(mem::transmute(atoi_entry.original_address()));
let i = unsafe { libc::atoi(b"100\0".as_ptr().cast()) };
assert_eq!(i, -100);