Cargo Features

pixel-sig = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false, features = ["VerkeyG2", "VerkeyG1"] }
default = VerkeyG2

The VerkeyG2 feature is set by default whenever pixel-sig is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

VerkeyG2 default

Verification key is in G2 and all but one element of signature are in G1

Affects pixel-sig::SignatureGroup, pixel-sig::SignatureGroupVec, pixel-sig::VerkeyGroup, pixel-sig::VerkeyGroupVec, pixel-sig::ate_2_pairing, pixel-sig::ate_multi_pairing


Verification key is in G1 and all but one element of signature are in G2

Affects pixel-sig::SignatureGroup, pixel-sig::SignatureGroupVec, pixel-sig::VerkeyGroup, pixel-sig::VerkeyGroupVec, pixel-sig::ate_2_pairing, pixel-sig::ate_multi_pairing