Cargo Features

picoserve has no features set by default.

picoserve = { version = "0.14.1", features = ["std", "alloc", "tokio", "embassy", "defmt", "log"] }
std tokio? = alloc

Use the standard library. Used by examples.

alloc std?

Enable FromRequest and Content for some alloc types.

tokio = std

Use the tokio runtime. Used by examples.

Enables tokio, std of serde


Use the embassy runtime and embassy-net sockets.

Enables embassy-net and embassy-time

Affects picoserve::serve, picoserve::serve_with_state, picoserve::listen_and_serve, picoserve::listen_and_serve_with_state


Emit log messages using the defmt crate.

Enables defmt, defmt of serde-json-core and optional embassy-net

Affects logging::LogDisplay


Emit log messages using the log crate.

Enables log