#postgresql #row #consume #structs #consuming #macro #derive


A macro library for consuming PostgreSQL row data into structs

12 releases (5 breaking)

0.6.0 Jul 28, 2024
0.5.2 Jul 18, 2024
0.4.1 Jun 11, 2024
0.3.1 Jun 9, 2024
0.1.1 Jun 5, 2024

#289 in FFI

22 downloads per month

MIT license

283 lines

A simple library for consuming tokio_postgres::row::Row data into structs that derive the RowConsumer trait.

This crate provides a variety of derivable implementations that can be used to consume PostgreSQL data depending on preference.

  • from_row
  • from_rows
  • consume
  • consume_json if feature consume_json is enabled

The latter implementations are built from from_row.


A variety of features provide support for additional implementation and types.

Feature Description Extra dependencies Default
bit Implements crate on bit_vec::BitVec bit-vec No
chrono Implements crate on types supplied by chrono chrono No
consume_json Implements consume_json on classes that derive the RowConsumer trait serde, serde_json No
geo Implements crate on geo_types::Point<f64>, geo_types::Rect<f64>, and geo_types::LineString<f64> geo-types No
mac Implements crate on eui48::MacAddress eui48 No
json Implements crate on serde_json::Value serde_json No
time Implements crate on types supplied by time time No
uuid Implements crate on uuid::Uuid uuid No


You may use consume to consume PostgreSQL row data into a struct like so.

# tokio_test::block_on(async {
use pgde::ConsumeError;
use pgde::RowConsumer;
use pgde_derive::RowConsumer;
use tokio_postgres::{NoTls, Row};

struct Foo {
    Id: i32,
    Data: String,

match tokio_postgres::connect("host=localhost user=postgres password=password dbname=postgres", NoTls).await {
    Ok(v) => {
        let client = v.0;
        let conn = v.1;

        tokio::spawn(async move {
            if let Err(e) = conn.await {
                eprintln!("connection error: {}", e);

        let query = "select * from public.\"Foo\";";

        match Foo::consume(&client, query, &[]).await {
            Ok(v) => { // v is of type Vec<Foo>
                match v.first() {
                    Some(v) => println!("Id {} has Data {}", v.Id, v.Data),
                    None => eprintln!("No data in table"),
            Err(v) => match v {
                ConsumeError::ConversionError => eprintln!("Could not convert data"),
                ConsumeError::DatabaseConnectionError => eprintln!("Database errored on processing the query"),
    Err(_) => eprintln!("Could not connect to database"),
# })

Types of Vec<T> and Option<T>, where T implements FromSql, are also supported on structs, or as standalone consuming types, that derive RowConsumer. When querying nullable fields, it is best to wrap field types in an Option<>. See the RowConsumer trait for use examples of from_row and from_rows.

This crate also provides implementations on a variety of data types, some provided by enabling features.

Type Feature
bool default
i8 default
i16 default
i32 default
u32 default
i64 default
f32 default
f64 default
Vec<u8> default
String default
SystemTime default
IpAddr default
bit_vec::BitVec bit
chrono::NaiveDateTime chrono
chrono::DateTime<Utc> chrono
chrono::DateTime<Local> chrono
chrono::DateTime<FixedOffset> chrono
chrono::NaiveDate chrono
chrono::NaiveTime chrono
geo_types::Point<f64> geo
geo_types::Rect<f64> geo
geo_types::LineString<f64> geo
eui48::MacAddress mac
serde_json::Value json
time::PrimitiveDateTime time
time::OffsetDateTime time
time::Date time
time::Time time
uuid::Uuid uuid


Testing requires access to a PostgreSQL database with no tables. Setting the following environment variables will allow you to test.

Environment Variable Description
PGDE_DB_HOST The host that the database can be accessed at.
POSTGRES_USER The user credential to provide.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD The password to provide.
POSTGRES_DB The name of the database to use for testing.


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