#calculate #percent #percentages


A crate to calculate percentages

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 12, 2019

#8 in #percent

Download history 24238/week @ 2023-12-14 16707/week @ 2023-12-21 16236/week @ 2023-12-28 24591/week @ 2024-01-04 20659/week @ 2024-01-11 26063/week @ 2024-01-18 21508/week @ 2024-01-25 21395/week @ 2024-02-01 16751/week @ 2024-02-08 17453/week @ 2024-02-15 21473/week @ 2024-02-22 21367/week @ 2024-02-29 21482/week @ 2024-03-07 22948/week @ 2024-03-14 22964/week @ 2024-03-21 21021/week @ 2024-03-28

92,494 downloads per month
Used in 491 crates (12 directly)


129 lines


percentage is a crate trying to make using percentages in a safer way and easier to debug. Whenever you see a Percentage, you will know what is being calculated, instead of having to revise the code.


// You only need to import the `Percentage` struct
use percentage::Percentage;

// Here we create the percentage to apply
let percent = Percentage::from(50);

println!("{}", percent.value()); // Will print '50'

// We can apply the percent to any number we want
assert_eq!(15, percent.apply_to(30));
println!("50% of 30 is: {}", percent.apply_to(30)); // Will print '50% of 30 is: 15'

// If you need to use floating points for the percent, you can use `from_decimal` instead

let percent = Percentage::from_decimal(0.5);
assert_eq!(15.0, percent.apply_to(30.0));
println!("50% of 30.0 is: {}", percent.apply_to(30.0)); // Will print '50% of 30.0 is: 15.0'

