#brute-force #searcher #solution #pair #problem #bit #chunks

nightly app pcp

A brute-force pcp solution searcher

2 unstable releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.2.0 Sep 18, 2016
0.1.0 Nov 16, 2015

#553 in Machine learning

MIT license


pcp, a brute-force pcp solution searcher

A rust implementation of a brute-force pcp solution searcher. A problem is read from standard input or a file specified on the command line (see Usage for more details).

A problem file consists of any number of (utf-8 encoded) lines, each non-empty line representing a pair of words, consisting of two whitespace-separated fields, each of which denotes one word of the pair.

Words may consist of any number of non-whitespace unicode characters, each unique character will be replaced by a unique fixed-width bit pattern. The total number of bits per word must not exceed 56.

See the *.pcp files in the root directory for example problem specifications. The wiki*.pcp files were taken from the german wikipedia, homework.pcp was taken from an exercise of my theoretical computer science class (homework.pcp has been since first publishing this repo removed).


pcp 0.1.0
Tim Neumann <mail@timnn.me>
A brute-force pcp solution searcher


    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -f <file>            Read the problem from the specified file instead of stdin
    -n <max_iter>        The maximum number of iterations to perform

Example Run

pcp < homework.pcp
Found 2 symbols.
Using 1 bit(s) to encode each symbol.
Running with 8 threads.
Now starting iteration 183
Now starting iteration 197
Now starting iteration 207
Now starting iteration 213
success! n: 216, s: 396

-- Statistics --
chunk size:                        64 MB
chunks allocated:                  39
chunks deallocated:                 0
chunks total memory:              2.4 GB
chunks in current working set:     32
pairs applied:                    1.1 billion
pairs applied successfully:     403.4 million
number of iterations:             217
total iteration time:             5.7 seconds
operations:                     196.0 thousand ops/ms


You need a recent nightly version of rust to compile this crate. You can then install it using cargo install pcp. If you install from source make sure to compile with --release!


~35K SLoC