4 releases

0.3.4 Apr 18, 2020
0.3.3 Apr 5, 2020
0.3.2 Apr 1, 2020
0.3.1 Apr 1, 2020

#22 in #latin




crates.io docs.rs


The library of parser combinators. Using rules, you can express a grammar of any language. Here is common rules such as "latin" or "any". Also rule combinators: "or", "cat", "range" and etc.

Common rules

Type Match Constructor
Dec 0...9 dec()
Bin 0 or 1 bin()
Oct 0...7 oct()
Hex 0...9 or A...F hex()
Space space()
White \r\n or or \n or \r or \t white()
Whites Applies White multiple times whites()
Nl \r\n or \n or \r nl()
Latin a...z or A...Z latin()
Any Any char any()
End Checks rest input is empty end()


Type Description Operator / Constructor
Fst Parses x and y then return x x << y
Snd Parses x and y then return y x >> y
Or Parses x or y x | y
Cat Parses x and y then concat result x.cat(y)
AndThen Parses x and then applies result to f and parses it x.and_then(f)
OrElse Parses x or else applies error to f and parses it x.or_else(f)
CharRange Parses char range char_range(a..=b)
Not Parses x and reverse result !x
Opt Makes rule x optional and return Option x.opt()
OrDefault Makes rule x optional and return default x.or_default()
Pred Applies predicate p to char and return it if true x.pred(p)
Range Parses x multiple times x.range(0..n)
Until Parses x until y x.until(y)
Ret Always returns value v ret(v)
RetErr Always returns error e ret_err(e)
Map Parses x then apply function f to successful result x.map(f)
MapErr Parses x then apply function f to error result x.map_err(f)
Into Parses x and convert result to Type into::<Type>(x)

No runtime deps